Awesome App For An Awesome Student Named>> Park Sooya


Park Sooya


Activeness: 8.5















You Don't Know Me

Character Name: Park SooYa (Jo is her English name)

Nicknames: Soul- Given by her father, when she was younger it was common to find her in tears due to envy of other children. Her father found her one day and told her every soul should be happy. Her older brother and father calls her this.

Age & Date Of Birth: 16; July 1, 1997

Ethnicity: Half Korean, Half Chinese

Birthplace: Manhattan, New York 

Hometown: Manhattan, New York

Languages: Korean (fluent), Chinese (conversational), English (Fluent)

Basic Appearance: Sooya is 5 feet 4 inches so she's considered rather petite and flat chested by her friends. Her hair is it it's traditional black with a hint of dark brown and a subtle wave. She is lacking in the curve department as she is rather slim. The thing that draws people to her the most, regarding her looks, are her eyes because they are a creamy hazelnut. Though she may be always smiling her eyes tell a different story. They always seem as though she is in a far off place, some may even say she looks sad almost.

Fashion Style: Sooya is usually dressed in oversized shirts in the summer and sweaters in the fall/winter. Her closet however is not just limited to that, when she's up for it she likes to dress up in something like this. When she is choergrapghing or at practice she wears this with a simple white tee, or whatever she feels is comfortable. She also likes to dress in skirts and basically anything that looks cute.

EXTRAS: She sometimes decorates her hair with a cute hair accessories and wears this ring on her finger, a gift from her father. She is quite fond of these shoes using them as dance shoes and also pairs them with an outfit. 

Ulzzang: Do Hwe Ji

Gallery:  here

Back Up Ulzzang: Choi Seo Hee

Gallery: here


What's Not To Like? 


Persona : Fast thinking yet naive and innocent also caring.

Personality : Sooya is a sweet and sometimes childish girl, despite looking mature she is rather clueless when it comes to boys and relationships some might even say she is dense. Although she posses a cautious nature from time to time that makes her seem uptight at first she is actually quiet fun-loving and outgoing.

     Sooya is what many call innocent due to the fact that she has an overprotective father and brother. She is rather sheltered from the evil (I suppose) in the world and despite however many faults a person may have, Sooya tries to find the good in them thus many times gets hurt as an end result of trusting to easily. Overtime however she has learned to harden her heart to those who may potentially hurt her.

     Sooya despises fighting with others if unnecessary although she is very capable of defending herself. It may seem awkward, given her personality, but Sooya has a strong desire to become stronger, not so she can boast of course, it is just a natural thing many feel. She does have a competitive side to her and absolutely hates losing, so she will often work herself to the edge sometimes even to much.

Background: Sooya was born into a prestigious family, with her father being a top doctor and her mom a major business women it was expected of her to be an obedient child. There is not much to tell about her father as he is what every father should be, loving. Her mother on the other hand was very detached only caring about her work and career. She none the less had very high expectations for Sooya and wanted them filled. Sooya followed her mother's instructions and became one of the top students in school, even in the states yet she still could not obtain a mother's affection. When she was younger she use to watch the other students talk and brag about their parents on parent day, which her's were to busy to attend, and envy them. Sooya never quite understood why her mom held her at such an icy distant until one night she overheard a conversation exchanged between her older brother and mom.  

     Sooya had learned that she had an older sister that died at an early age before she was born. She was the apple of her mother's eye and had a very promising future but a fatal car accident ended her life needless to say she has not been the same sense. When she was pregnant with Sooya she attempted an abortion yet was unsuccessful. Once Sooya was born she refused to treat her the same as she had her previous daughter even considered giving her up for adoption. Having heard this Sooya became mute for awhile. Her brother was finally fed up with it and took her to a close friend of his who thought her to pour her feelings into music and art. She never talked to her mother the same way and stopped trying to live up to her expectations. 

    Once she entered high school she had been through enough with her mom that she had a rather fragile heart. She was kind to all the students and most were grateful of her but some took advantage of her kindness. They're was a particular betrayal that made her harden her heart to everyone for awhile keeping to herself and family. She has learned to pick out the liars and fight for herself not to rely on others to protect her. Although she may seem soft and doll like on the outside she has gone through many hardships to be where she is now, and they helped her to become who she is today.   


  • music

  • painting

  • drawing

  • taking naps in a quiet park/meadow

  • composing

  • dancing

  • singing

  • the color pink


  • her mom

  • dirtiness

  • someone nagging her

  • being wrong

  • losing 

  • dishonesty


  • dancing 

  • choergrapghing

  •  composing

  • singing

  • painting

  • playing guitar


  • biting her nails when in deep thought

  • rubbing her thumb against her index finger when nervous 

Trivia > 

  • Only drinks tea with honey

  • Has one older brother she is extremely close with

  • Does not play well with her mom

  • Was mute for about 5 months


My Relationships Are Not



Older brother | Park Hyunwoo | 23 | Collge student | Though Hyunwoo is one of those cliché overprotective brothers he is quite layed back. He lets his sister do what she likes  and is always making sure she is safe and well. Hyunwoo is not the most ambitious person thus his parents are most times upset with him, however, like his sister he is a rather smart student. | Sooya and Hyunwoo have a tight bond that couldn't be broken by even the most disastrous of events. Although the siblings may sometimes tease and ridicule each other, they are always there for each other.

Father | Park HongSu | 46 | Doctor | Park HongSu is a thoughtful and caring man. Coming from a rich and loving family, he grew to become understanding and patient. He is harkworking, enough to open his own hospital and have it become one of the best in the nation. | Regarding his realtionship with his daughter, they are as close as 2 peas in a pod, well maybe not that close. Sooya is able to tell her father many things and her father doesn't mind listening. Because of his job he may not be there all the time for his daughter, but he always finds a way to make up for it.

Mother | Susan Liu | 43 | Bussiness women | Opposite of her son, Susan is very ambitious. As of now her personality is that of a cold and icy person. Before the death of her daughter she was a very loving and naturing but that all changed. Now she throws herself into her work, detached from social affairs. | Sooya doesn't have much of a relationship with her mother except when it's about school, they don't talk much.  


Lee Gikwang | 17 | March 30, 1996 | Senior | Gikwang is a pabo, or acts like he doesn't know anything at least but in reality he knows a lot. He is a very loyal friend and hates when those close to him are upset. He will do most anything to make them happy again even if it ment getting revenge. Gikwang may seem intimidating at first but he is actually very free-willed and comfortable where ever he is. He loves to make others smile and laugh. | Sooya and Gikwang have a  something like a sunbae and hoobae relationship. However unlike most relationship like that, they speak informally to each other. The only thing that makes Gikwang a Sunbae to Sooya is his dancing skills which he helps her with.  Gikwang is very protective of her and treats her kindly almost like a boyfriend, some even mistaken them to be a couple.

Sullie | 16 | February, 3 1997 | Junior | Sullie is a very serious girl, who focuses on honing her power to make herself stronger. Even so she has a tender side and will help those in need. She hates when others bully the weak and will stand up for them. All in all she is very self rightious. | Sullie acts like somewhat of a counselor to Sooya. She listens to Sooya's problems and troubles often giving her advice. Sullie treats Sooya as a younger sister, as she is the only child and always wanted one.

TANKS: Sooya will get along with almost anybody, as long as they don't mess with her or her friends. Sooya will not get along with those who like to manipulate and control others though because she believes others should be able to behave however they want. She usually speaks out her thoughts so she will get scolded by many for speaking out, so to that she might get into arguments with others that have a witty mouth as she does herself. Since she doesn't like to have others mad at her she will try to make up with others right away. when she learned that others possessed similar skills to her she was scared at first however she was also relieved that she wasn't alone in the world. 




Love among the Supers


Your Numero Uno:  Yoon Dujun

[ Yoon Dujun ; 18 ; Seoul, South Korea ]

Persona: Suave leader

Personality:  Dujun is a natural born leader. He is able to get even the most crazy situation under control. He has an aurora about him that make most fear and cower when he is in the room, in short he is rather intimidating. Though this may be true about him he is a quite a charming and elegant guy. He is very confident in everything he does and everything he does is seemingly perfect. Like the others in his group he is loyal to his friends and will go out of his way for them. Dujun has a knack for getting into trouble much like all the other gangster kingkas, however he is always able to make it seem like the other party's fault. Regarding his temper he is actually the level headed one and rarely get's angry, or if he does he won't show it and you should watch your back. He's a brutal fighter and wins almost all his fights.

      Dujun has a childish side of course, he likes to make others feel good about themselves, especially seeing the people he cares for smile. He's not very good at expressing his feelings and beats around the bush but when it comes down to it he is very honest. He is reckless and carefree yet honest and thoughtful, he is the suave leader

Grade/GROUP: Senior;  Tough ganster kingkas

Extracurricular Activities: 

  • Soccer Super racing
  • Capture The Flag


  • Period 5: Foreign language; Greek 
  • Period 6: Lunch
  • Period 8: Training

Powers?:  Quintessence Force:  Dujun doesn't think much about his power, he is neither ashamed or overly proud of it. He views it as merely something used in fights, although he is fond of it and graetful of it, he has no further thoughts.  

Past: He was once invovled with jiyeon but that relationship ended very quickly as they learned that tthough sometimes opposites do attract, that was not they're case. Because Dujun was teh one to end it, Jiyeon still bothers him  unable to let it go. 

Interactions: Dujun first saw her in class of course, but on one of his little outings he saw her playing guitar quietly in the park.He usually likes to listen to her play guitar and sing softly to him.  They joke around a lot and he likes to , which she in turns blushes quite often.  You can say they're relationship is almost like those of best friends.  Dujun looks out for Sooya a lot and is most likely always thinking of her and her well being, he gets jealous when other guys get to flirty/close to her and it's very evident since he tends to glare at the guy. He also pulls her closer to him and interrupts with the conversation to show protectiveness (It's just jealousy). Yet, everyone wants a realationship like their's because where Dujun lacks she fills in for and the same goes for her. They might as well of been made for each other.


  • He likes to take long walks
  • When he's angry he gives a look
  • his demeanor changes when he's about to fight, like an animal going to pounce
  • Likes girls with long hair
  • Very caring towards Sooya which is rare since he indifferent to those outside his group 

Crush: Lee Minhyuk

[ Lee Minhyuk; Age 17; Seattle, Washington]

Persona: Cute Gentleman

Personality: Lee Minhyuk is a cute gentleman; well to the  people he likes anyway. Minhyuk is like a little kid with manners. He's fun-loving and loves to play pranks, though he may seemed easily impressed  don't  be fooled, he is rather talented himself. Now it may seem confusing since I mentioned that he had manners, he only uses those manners when he  feels like it so he can be pretty random. He likes to fool around and play games especially ditching school to play with his friends although it is continuously getting harder for him to sneak away. When Minhyuk becomes attached to something or someone he will refuse to let it go resulting in him showing his very selfish side, he would do everything in his power to keep it. This may be due to the fact that many precious things were taken away from him once that lead to this. Minhyuk believes that to keep someone he loves safe from the many things that haunt his life they must be rid of him..... 

Grade/GROUP: Junior, Baby Gangster  Boys

Extracurricular Activities: 

  • MMA
  • Capture the flag


  • Periods 1: Language Arts
  • Period 2: Algebra 2
  • Period 3: World History 11
  • Period 6: Lunch
  • Period 7: Paranormal And Mystical Beings
  • Period 11: Artifact Affinity


Powers: Minhyuk has the power of Animated Shadow. He is actually very proud of it and often likes to boast most time getting on people nerves, however he has the strength  to back it up.  

Past?: Minhyuk was never really interested in girls or if he was it was very mild.

Interactions:  Sooya and Minhyuk act like little kids together. They usually get ice cream and play at the parks. Sooya and Minhyuk write music together sometimes and like to perform duets. Minhyuk is very happy with Sooya and likes to seek her out so they can play together. He gets very flustered when worried about her and is usually the first to start panicking about it.They get along pretty well, in fact people sometimes mistaken them as siblings.


  • Whenever he tries to tell a girl he likes her he takes her to his secret place
  • His secret place is the roof top garden (not really secret though hahaha)
  • His family is wealthy
  • Has an older brother he thinks is annoying
  • Has a younger sister
  • Middle child

Crush Deux: Lee Joon 

[ Lee Joon; 18 ;| Gangnam, South Korea ]

Persona: Dual Personality 

Personality: Being a Do-Gooder, Lee Joon is pretty popular among his peers and teachers. He is introduced and as a gentleman that no on can help but fall in-love/ like at first impression. He is charming and gentle, rescuing fair damsels seems like something he would do and he does just that.  In order to keep his good name, he puts on a facade that most do not see through but when in reality he is quite cruel

    See he has a split personality, the first is a fine gentleman, something every girl dreams of. His other personality is that of a cruel womanizer who plays with the tender hearts of young girls than breaks them. Although I say he has a split personality it is actually him hiding behind a mask to hide his demon like ways.  To those he takes a liking to he will play with them, most likely in a rough way. (Not like that though O.O)

Grade/GROUP: Senior ;Do-Good Kingkas

Extracurricular Activities: 

  • Hi-Fly- take to the skies
  • Capture The Flag
  • Fencing (joins eventually to spend more time with Sooya)


  • Period 6: Lunch
  • Period 10: Gym

Powers: Joon has the power of an Illusionist. This comes in handy for him as he uses it to trick others into doing his bidding. He makes sure to only use it only in small doses so the other does not suspect anything. He is very proud of his power.

Past?: He has many flings and small relationships with various girls, however none have lasted long enough to make an impression.

Interactions: Joon shows Sooya his split personality, he ridicules her and says various things to her to make her feel uncomfortable. He get's incredibly jealous of her for some reason he claims to not understand and is quite the jerk to her about it making her feel bad/angry with him, although for some reasons he starts to soften up to her and breaks down numerous barriers to let her in; over time he is less mean to her though he still says things to make her blush uncontrollably.  Joon is the type of person to let his emotions get the better of him, if say something bad were to happen to Sooya he would take drastic measures to ensure her safety regardless of those who try to reason with him. He is hopelessly inlove with her refusing to admit it outloud.


  • He has a dual personality
  • He scratches his head and looks off into space when he is embarrassed
  • Avoids eye contact when nervous

           Crush Number Three: Kim Sunggyu

[ Kim Sunggyu; 18;| Seoul, South Korea ]


Persona: Cold Prince


Personality: Sunggyu is an ice prince. He is cold to others but that is what draws them to him, he is mysterious in the eyes of the students. Sunggyu is a do-gooder though his demeanor better suits him for a Tough Gangster Kingka, he goes against the law that is established in the world of their school. He keeps to himself and his friends most times but that does not stop people from approaching him. Sunggyu is portrayed as this ice prince, and most agree but he is actually a shy guy who gets flustered easily. Once he is opened up to you he can get quite talkative and likes to confide in you. When he is confused or flustered he gets very frustrated bothering the person to help/tell him in a childish way almost like he's lost his way, how can you not help him?


Grade/GROUP: Senior; Do-Good Kingkas


Extracurricular Activities:

  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Hi-Fly


  • Period 6: Lunch
  • Period 7: Discovering POWERS

Powers: Sunggyu was gifted the power of Weather Control, he is secretly not proud of his power because he does not like to hurt others. He feels as though if he does not get his powers under control he may end up killing someone he cares about, he fears his own powers. 


Past?: Sunggyu had a girlfriend once but she did not attend his school.


Interactions: Sooya teases Sunggyu a lot as he is very vulnerable her around since he gets flustered with her. He gets worried about her when she is acting strange or down and always tries to cheer her up never asking questions just letting her tell him when she's ready, though he never really knows what he's doing anyway. Still he's always there for her even if it means he has to watch her with her another man.



  • Is good friends with Dujun


High School Never Ends

-Bowling For Soup (a song by this band)^^

Grade: Junior

Favorite subject(s): Paranormal&Mystical Beings, Training 

Subject You are good at: Training, Language Arts

Subject you at: Physics 

Extracurricular activities: 

  • Capture the flag (Black Team)

  • SHOT Arrows (Blue Team)

  • ELIMINATE (Black Team)

  • Fencing (Red Team)

How do you wear your uniform?: Sooya's uniform  is more fitted on her, she wears it like how it is issued, nice and proper. She wears above the knee socks and sometimes pairs them with delicate combat boots/regular boots. On rainy days she'll wear a dark hoodie underneath everything w/the hood pulled up.     

Classes Taking:

  • Period 1: Language Arts

  • Period 2: Algerbra 2

  • Period 3:  World History 11

  • Period 4: Physics

  • Period 5: Foreign  Language; Greek

  • Period 6: Lunch

  • Period 7: Paranormal And Mystical Beings

  • Period 8: Training

  • Period 9: Discovering POWERS

  • Period 10: GYM

  • Period 11: Artifact Affinity

  • Period 12: SuperNaturalPowers

  • Period 13: Survival 11

  • Period 14: Power control 11 

Powers?: Aerona&Clairvoyance; When Clairvoyance first showed itself to Sooya she was curios as to why she knew what someone was going to say or do next. She wanted to know more about it so she spent time trying to figure out what buttons to push as the ability would come and go. When images of people in accidents, gruesome accidents, started appearing it overwhelmed her.  To make it worst Aerona decided to show up making it's existence known. She locked herself up in her room and didn't leave.  Whenever someone knocked on her door she could feel any physical and mental pain they were going through. The "visions" didn't leave and neither did that "feeling". She couldn't bear it anymore and as the side effects started to kick it, Sooya attempted things she's not proud of. Almost close to death, a mysterious man showed up offering her a way to shut off her powers.


Past Relationships:  Sooya was involved with a what you call a popular boy. Actually they were close childhood friends so it was only a matter of time until they  became a couple. He was close to her family too so many expected them to last, however once they hit sophomore year he began to change.. He became a player and disregarded her feelings, even went as far as to cheat on her. She found out from one of her close friends and that was the end of that. He still called claiming to care for her after all they were friends once. Sooya is not the type to hold grudges but once your blacklisted there's no going back. 




Show Me Some Gifs! 

Comments: If anything is wrong please tell me, and I might've accidently messed with the font but I hope that's ok. I hope you like her ^.^


  • Dancing/choreographing
  • Singing/composing
  • painting
  • Playing guitar
(Scene) Requests (What do you want that you know I might not put in this applyfic): Ummmm it would be really cool if you could put in like a school wide tournament or something like that. Or a school production I don't know something regarding the whole school, I would like to see how things go. As for my character if you could have her go on a date with one of her crushes of her love interest, or better yet have her hang out with Kikwang and have he other's be jealous of them and have them contiously butting in I would appreciate it. ^^
Gifs Can Go here!
Omg L <3
Yes, damn boy ;)
I love you too Yoseob!!
Yoseob Says Bye ^^
Ok I'm done |(^_^)/



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