strep throat

If you came here knowing this would be a rant about my throat, you're absolutely correct. XD

It started with an itchy throat. I thought it was just gonna be one of those annoying coughs I used to always get. But no. It got worse. I started to get a fever and my throat started to hurt. I literally couldn't swallow anymore and I tried gargling salt and water, those throat drops, tea, EVERYTHING. They either gave me like 3 seconds of relief or didn't work at all. My throat felt like it was cut up and swollen. I finally went to the doctor yesterday and I found out it's not a sore throat, it's strep throat. UGHHH and the worst part is, the pharmacy gave me PILLS. It's like they just KNOW I can't swallow pills. I can't. I guess it's me and my fear of choking. So my parents have to crush up the pills and put it in my food. It's really bitter but it's better than attempting to swallow two pills with an aching throat.

Right now my fever is gone since I took Advil liquid medicine for the past 3 days, but the real problem is my throat. I've gotta take 4 pills a day for 10 days. Wish me luck! It's Day 2 out of 10 right now. welpppppp

Did I mention I'm wearing one of those mask things people where when they're contagious? Yes, it's very fashionable.


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choKYUlate_4LIFE #1
Lol, I saved the pic of you in the mask! I have it on my iPod >->
I didn't you still take the pills, I thought they were until you were well enough to go to school.