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Article: Krystal 'The Heirs' casting confirmed, joining the line up of scriptwriter Kim Eun Sook

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+380, -82] Must they use an idol

2. [+304, -55] Do scriptwriters not read articles? We're all asking them to choose rookie actors

3. [+295,  -58] SM has been media playing a lot about this since the beginning of the casting so they obviously worked hard to get her a slot. Kim Eun Sook will always say so if she cast someone herself. Lee Min Ho, Park SHin Hye, and Choi Jin Hyuk were cast by Kim Eun Sook and Krystal's just lobbied in there by SM. And of course they'll media play it as the producers wanting her... ㅋ

4. [+93, -88] When Sohee was cast in the short drama, people praised her for working her way up instead of landing lead roles in full dramas... Krystal did well in High Kick and she's not even the female lead in this. Why would Kim Eun Sook just choose an idol without making her go through an audition...;; I think this is better than idols who take lead roles right off the bat.

5. [+90, -88] People are always asking dramas to use rookie actors but rookie actors aren't guaranteed to be talented. I don't know why people react so sensitively to idols... There are veteran actors who can't act and actors who get cast purely based on their beautiful faces. The real problem should be actors who can't act, not other professions joining the acting profession. And idols have a limited lifespan, you can't expect them to stick to being an idol for the rest of their lives? It's natural to switch career paths once it no longer puts food on the table.









For those who are curious, Krystal is one of the 6-8 leads while Park Shinhye and Lee MinHo are the Main leads :) I hope it's clear now :) KES (the writer) tweeted also that she's very much looking forward for Lee Min Ho & Park Shin Hye's love line.


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I wanted her on~
My favourite people on in the same drama~
But I hope she doesn't do the characters that she did in her previous sitcoms~
mySamoanfan #3
Really!! Can't wait to watch heirs when its out and available on you tube... thank you chingu for the notice...