Some People Make Me Sick

Okay so today is the last day of holiday's and tomorrow a new semester of school starts. So after my dad left for work 1:00pm I went to the shops which is near by. Its only a ten minute walk but I decided to go to the little shopping village to get some school books. Anyways I walked to the shops wearing nothing but shorts and a top, here in Australia even though its winter its still sunny during the mid day. Anyways on my way to the shops you have to go past a primary school, luckily the primary school goes back to school today. Anyways as I was walking, I reached the primary school, it was there when a white van with two guys started to follow me. There were on the other side of the road and made a u turn and followed me. I know you guys may think it differently but seriously they went on the lane where most cars pack and drove slowly behind me. I was actually so scared because all of a sudden they drove past me their lips and starig at me. Then they stopped a few meters infront of me. It was there where I felt uncomfortable so I entered the primary school who was at tht time having their lunch break. So I just chilled in there and watched the white car stay in park position. It was scary its like they were waiting for me, even though my house was only 5 minutes away I was till scared to even walk home. I didn't know what to do so I called a cab and he took me home. Honestly it was scary and I thought some serious things would have happend. 

Who knows what thoes guys would do to me, but still I found it sickening that people has such thought, they may have not planned on what I am thinking but the lok on their faces were frigthening. Now I'm home but I'm scared to even step outside the house, usually I would freely walk to my friends house or to the shops when I'm hungry or to the train station, but now I can't because I'm to scared for that situation to happen again. Is it bad that I'm now scared of my own neighbour hood? I'm probably not leaving this house until I get my drivers license, but I refuse to walk to place now. 

Its sickening to know what is wrong with this world, what we have done to have such people with these thoughts, if small various things happen like this I bet it will expand in the future. I don't even want to have kids and rise them in a generation where its unsafe to leave the house. I know you may think I'm overreacting but the situation I was under a few minutes ago was terrifying. I use to find stuff like this like it wasn't a serious issue and that people overreact about it but now experienceing it was eventful, I can't even speak.. and writing this, my hands still tremble 


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Omgosh thats scary don't go out of your house keep safe arasso :)
sweetbabyjesus #2
Omg thats terrible!! Im glad you're safe. You're so brave i probably would of peeped my pants and start screaming haha. Maybe you were just too pretty hehe.
Honey, the world is just a scary place overall. I understand why you would've been scared. Those guys are just lowlife erts. Just stay safe okay ? Make sure you're always out with someone because this world is just slowly getting corrupt and the last thing we both want is for you to get hurt. Take care of yourself, okay ? xxxoo
I think its good you went and chilled in the primary school that really is good thinking. This really saddens me :( society is getting worse day by day.
iammyd2 #5
The world is corrupted and bad. We have no choice but to live in it, unless if we want to die soon. We ourselves are the one that made the world like that, so yeah. Too bad. That's the world!
oh trust me the same thing happened to me but when i was at a store some old dude was just staring at me and i was creeped out. its true we have a lot of sick people out there