Sorry Guys..

Hey everyone. I have some news. 

I might be going on hiatus for a while.

There's just lots of family stuff I have to take care of. 

And also because I feel that I'm not that great of a writer. 

I catch myself comparing my writing with other writing and it just makes me feel like crap. /: 

I feel like I'm not good enough.

I kind of lost myself. I promised I wouldn't, but.. 

I'm so sorry guys.. ):


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Kai-otic88 #1
Aww come on Carisma u know ur a great, hear that? GREAT writer. Don't stop under ANNYYY sercomstance DO NOT STOP WRITING!!!!!!! FIGHING!!! <3 ya friend!
Elayasia #2
Awww don't feel that way. You're a great writer hun.^^ Don't stop writing because of some insecurities.
Aww don't feel that way I feel the same way sometimes too but I keep writing because I love it also to improve my grammar and writing skills