a survey i stole teehee

AHAHAHA im totes loving the bit of time i have to kill before my next lot of exams start in a weeks time or so.
i have one thing to say IM SOOOOOO GLAD MY ENGLISH EXAMS ARE OVER! weeewh no more essays for the meantime.

anyways survery time:




17, but ill be 18 soon

What's your favorite kind of pie?


What's your favorite band/singer?

i like music in general. do composers count?

Favorite fruit(s)?

please dont make me decide its hard enough deciding what to eat, let alone which is my favourite.

Favorite sport?

swimming. thats the only thing i can do.

Favorite color?

pink and all the colours of the rainbow

Favorite hair style for guys?

anything but long, short preferably

Curly hair or straight hair?

if you mean curly like a poodle, then no.

Would you ever get tinted windows so you could pick your nose without people seeing you?

this is a ridiculous question, really?

Do you think shampoo bottles should have directions?

uhh yeah? cause maybe some people dont understand what a shampoo bottle is.

Skinny jeans or flare jeans

Skinny jeans

Do you have braces

i used to. BRACE FACE :D

What kind of computer do you have?

HP i think

Would you swim the ocean for Kelsey?

who's kelsey

Are you sad about Michael Jackson’s death?


Have you ever been to a concert?

no :( the police band came to my school...

Do you know the meaning of Christmas?

FOOD AND PRESENTS. kidding its a time to gather together to celebrate jesus' birth :)

Do you Watch Charlie Brown

i used to

Can you apply Mascara with your mouth closed?

hmm dont really wear makeup so i dont really know.

If you look behind you whats there?

a boring plain wall that needs to be painted

Do you brush your teeth daily?

course like my little brother says "why do you brush your teeth for so long its not like you eat alot." == pfft stupid

Do you have any cavities?

maybe in primary school

Have you ever broken a bone? if so how many?

nope :) i look after myself

Ever needed stitches?


Do you still watch spongebob?

Not anymore. studies has overtaken my life D:

What time do you usually go to bed?

too late for my liking. need beauty sleep guys.

Whats your wallpaper on your phone?

AHAHAHAHA MINHO OF COURSE :D but then again i change it frequently

Do you text people often?

who texts when theres whatsapp <

Do you have unlimited texting?

no..but WHATSAPP gives me unlimited texts

Are you a runner?

you see..i havent really gotten off my for the past 12 months

Do you like mysterious guys? Or open guys?

how about neither?

Would you ever get a tattoo?


How about snake bites?

do you mean piercings? cause theyre ewh too

Whats the song that describes your life most?

i dont really know,,how about piano music cause i love piano music :D

Have you ever been heartbroken?

mm a few times that its put me off relationships and all that love crap *cringe*

Whats your favorite color of shoe?

depends. i have a lovely pair of bright red heels i love

Do you think advertisments are annoying?

yesss! same ones over and over all the time. especially the awkward one about "make love last longer"

Do you ever really pay attention to comercials?

im bombarded with them i can almost memorise each one.

What color underwear are you wearing right now? If you're even wearing some


Would you kiss some if you were going out with someone else?

thats called cheating my friend

What do you wish to accomplish before you die?

ohohohoho i could go on forever but ill just mention a few things
i want to do something amazing and inspiring but idk what that is atm. travel overseas to places i havent been like japan and korea and visit the places i have been like europe and america. do something really daring like sky diving or bungee jumping (me like adrenalin :D) become an amazing designer and design my own dream home with a beautiful french province theme  (almost had an today at the furniture store with all the provincial furniture)

Are you afraid of death?

mm dont know, never experienced the 'near death experience' not that i want to.

What kind of camera do you have

sony cybershot. but itd like a dslr instead.

Are you having a good year?

it was pretty crap with all the studying,, but since im almost coming to an end, im happy but sad that ive reached a certain stage in my life where i will no longer go to school to see my friends and hang out at the canteen and gossip about kpop.

Whats the highest number you’ve ever counted to?


How old where you when you learned how to spell your last name?

honestly i dont know, its not an easy last name

Do you forget things easily?

i seem to remember unimportant things.

Have you bought any new music lately?

hahaha ive never purchased a cd in my life.

Does going to school make you nervous?

nahh talking to people i dont want to at school makes me nervous

Are you made fun of a lot?

nope im too cool (H)

Are you overly truthful?

omg yes! ==" im too honest for my own good and blunt to. one day i will lie about my identity :D

Do you feel bad when you hurt peoples feelings (that aren’t your friends)

if someone decides to piss me off then no. my friends all know what its like when i unleash my wrath. RAWRR

Do you know what 69 means?

its a number one less than 70. what have you guys been taught at school these days?

Have you ever heard of pon and zi?

yess theyre so cute was so popular back when i was in year 7 and 8

How about happy tree friends?

mm yeah the cute animals that are involved in really..horrific stuff. not cool.

Do you get angry easily?

depends on the person. sometimes i just ignore people whom i know are asses

Do you like the heat?

hate the cold. believe it or not in the summer i bathe myself in the warmth of my room whilst everyones fighting over the aircon

Do you wear glasses/contacts?

yes :( blind as a bat.

Would you ever be seen in limited too?


Can you do the math 12 x 7 in your head?

mm im a 'nerd' 8)

Is your hand cramping while taking this survey?

no theyre frozen cause its cold

Do you have a limited time to get ready in the morning?

yeah but it never seems to ever be enough

Do you have a celebrity crush?

Minho and Kim Hyun Joong ♥.♥

Do you think having celebrity crushes is weird?

no, its just the same as having any other crush,, except celebs are more targetable to these sorts of things.

Have you ever met a celebrity?

mm well ive met well known people..

Would you ever die your hair neon green with pink polka dots?

not cool.

Does your school have a dress code?

yeah uniforms like gossip girl style. jks i wish.

Are you allowed to listen to your ipod in school?

only in 'folio' subjects (art/design) cause were the cooler kids

Do you even have an ipod?

nope. i actually dont own anything apple

Are you afraid of falling in love?

kinda. but i wouldnt hate it if i did

Have you been in love multiple times?

truly in love? probably once or twice

Do you like harry potter?

eh its neutral. though i used to have a crush on him when i was 13.

Do You still believe in santa?

he never gave my presents

Can you count to 100


Do you like using caps lock?


Do you have big hands?

apparently theyre small but i dont think so

Do you like guys with big feet?

not overly big cause it looks really awkward

Do you like fred from youtube?

whose fred? yeahh i have no life.

Do you think its crazy that he has shirts at hot topic?

uhmm i dont know

Do you like to do projects?

ohhh YES, arts and craft. i have a to make list of all these things i plan on making after exams are over

So what are you going to do after this?

 feel bad about wasting my time doing this survey when i could be in bed reading fanfic


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