Asian Moms...

Out of the many things Asian Moms like doing~ This is one of them.

Bosting about your child like they are hot just to make sure they're kid is better then they're friends, even if they're child is an underachevier.


Le Example:

My Mum: Oh~ So your kid had a 4.0 GPA during the whole school year and never missed a day? Well, my kid can sleep for 18 hours straight without eatting or going to the bathroom AND can get about 6 or 5 pounds worth of food and not gain that much weight... what do you mean she's lazy!? I've never met a person in my life who can do all that!!

No joke, she said this to her friend and I was sitting on the side like...


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VIP_Bee #1
Ke ke lol XD
#2't worry i know how you feel gull.
AsianAddict #3
Gurl Way ahead of you. But they never brag about my bad genes its more like oh my daughter is so fat, she eats so much.
elien23 #4
don't worry i know how you feel *sighs*
At times like this, my mom can be sooo embarrassing. *infinite facepalm*
......... I understand you
Oh my... Your mom.. O.o asian moms really do do that, but I havent heard to that extent!