Can Someone Help Me?

I'm so sad right now.

I can't even explain everything, but...


what do you do when you're stressed, betrayed, left out, and just sad?


Please help me by commenting below...


I still love you, guys.

I really do.





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Sit in the dark and think about life.....
LunarPrincess #2
I would talk to someone dear and let the stress out, listen to music...or in my case i'd dance alone in my room :(

If you want can talk to me :)
UNNIEEE DONT CRYYYYY :'( Please please please talk to God. Cry if you want but all you need right now is his comfort <3 Oh and don't hesitate to talk to someone else that you trust too!! We've got your back <3
I'll eat sweet thing . Until i'm totally full ~
lisen shinee sonh i'm with you
Unnie if you feel betrayed and left out then stuff those who don't respect you and find new friends that are better than them
If you are stressed then just calm down and find something that makes you forget things like music
But most importantly you should talk to someone and let out your feelings.
SEARCH FOR FUNNY PICTURES OF YOUR BIAS~ :)) LOL, this is based from my experience, hahahaha :)
ik how u feel~ just listen to super upbeat music thats super happy and stuff and drown urself in guys that r life ruiners. yup~ it works out.
Talk it out! ^^
or of course use KPOP idols as distractions
and listen to music
maybe even try to learn a dance (and totally fail, but you know at least you're distracting yourself)
or watch makeup gurus
just being on aff makes me forget things c: but listening to music on rooftops are huge stress relievers to me; hmm, hitting pillows are nice too.
cheer up o/
boyfriendexobap #11
stressed: Listen to music
betrayed: I watch funny videos
left out: find someone new!
Just sad: Think of the happy things in life.
Hope it helped!^^