〈 ♔ 〉project; missguided ↷ Oh Eunhye






          Oh Eunhye            




Username: innasa_nadine354

Nickname: Jay or Nadine

Activeness: 7-8



Name:  Oh Eunhye

Nicknames: Eunnie - Just an shortened name that came from 'Eunhye'

Age: 17

Date of Birth: 25/12/1996

Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Height: 175cm

Weight: 42kg

Nationality: Korean

Languages Spoken: Korean, Japanese

Blood Type: B



Ulzzang used: Park Ji Hyun

Hyperlink: 1 2 3 4 5

Backup Ulzzang: Park Hyo Jin

Hyperlink: 1 2 3 4 5



Fashion Sense: Eunhye loves fashion. Fashion is like her number one passion. That's probably because of her mother. Getting on to her fashion style, she loves - and it's probably her number one favourite in fashion - wearing hoodies. Especially pink, blue and purple ones. While wearing the hoodie, she would wear a slightly matching colour skinny jeans or shorts - preferably skinny jeans in winter though - and a pair of her favourite shoes. But if she didn't have any of those on her side, she would wear, what she calls, her fashionista outfits. She would most likely be wearing a cute styled clothing.

Casual: 1 2 3 4 5

Formal: 1 2 3 4 5

Dorm/Practice: 1 2 3 4 5

Airport: 1 2 3 4 5



Personality: Eunhye is very imaginative, being the one who is talented at art. She uses her imagination for almost anything she does every single day and it always surprises others whenever she is just thinking of how she should design her Math binder. Even her meaningless doodles look like they're well thought out masterpieces. It's really part of her, using her imagination. She is sometimes described as a dreamy girl because of this. Whenever she can't use her imagination, she always feels as if like something is missing.

She's also a protective person. If someone offends a friend, family member, or classmate of hers, she'll defend them in a snap of a finger. Eunhye doesn't like seeing anyone she cares be hurt emotionally or physically and would do anything to avoid that. She makes sure that everyone has no problems and isn't feeling stressed. Once Eunhye knows they have a problem, she'll bug them until they tell her. She wants them to make the weight lighten and pass it to her so she can also help. She doens't want anyone she cares for face their problems alone.

Eunhye is also one to be a shrewd person. Once she finds something out, she keeps it to herself until it has some kind of good use.  Many people think that she's one of the clueless crowd of people, but she isn't. She also seems to get things really quick or make smart moves whenever there's an opportunity to do so. She always seems to know where situations are going and watches them if she isn't included with the problem, unless of course, things go too far than expected. When she's included in certain games and put into groups, she always finds herself as the strategist.

She's known to be a moody person. When she's happy, she really is happy. When she's angry, she holds a grudge on that one person. Her mood can easily change but she always tries to hide that change. Sometimes it's successful, other times it's not. This is when her best friend comes in and notices. Whenever he asks if anything is bothering her, she always lies. This obviously pisses him off. Going to another thing, whenever someone unintentionally insults her, she goes from chirpy to gloomy and snappy. This confuses many people and she refuses to give the reason of her sudden change of mood.

Onstage: Eunhye is a very cheerful and fun girl onstage. She like to make the audience laugh. She mostly uses aegyo when speaking. When she is on stage, she dances as if there were no tomorrow and she sings until she no longer has voice. She’s a passionate singer and dancer. According to the fans and the members, sometimes (in practice room), she looks scary because she is very concentrated in what she does.

Offstage: Eunhye is the one who likes to talk when she's with a person she's comfortable with. It doesn't matter if the person is not that close, as long as they recognize each other and they're not too awkward. She has her quiet times, but most of the time, she's the talkative person. This makes her easily approachable and is why people like her. With her talkativeness, it's easy for new students to keep going and makes them feel welcomed. This may make her seem like she has friends, but she has quite a few that actually are on her friends list.

Background:  Jaeyeon is someone who had always been  happy and cheerful ever since she was born. She, her older brothers were all born in Seoul, South Korea. The country who had swept other Asian countries, even other countries all around the world with their Hallyu stars.. Her family was a wealthy family. Both her mother and father are Korean. Her father works as a leader of Bluefish Entertainment. Because of her father's work, he only comes to visit the family when he is not busy with work. Her mother is a housewife. She has one brother on which he became a famous singer/rapper in a group called EXO under SM Entertainment, and a brother which works at a coffe shop nearby their house.


+ Cupcakes

+ Pikachu

+ Cute things

+ Fashion

+ Photography

+ beaches

+ Hello Kitty


+ darkness

+ hurting people

+ high places

+ challanges

+ gloomy moods

+ insects

+ the colour black


+ singing

+ dancing

+ photography

+ modeling

+ painting


+  checking herself in the mirror before going to sleep

+  commenting movies

+ hugging poles


+ chickens

+ darkness

+ spiders


+  She has Alektrophobia - fear of chickens

+ She has two kittens - Milly andWendy

+ Her favourite colours are white, baby blue and turqouise

+ She likes writing poems

+ A huge fan of nu'est, bap, teen top and btob


Twitter: @Oh_Eunnie

Instagram: Eun_HyeHye



Mother: Oh Minsun : 42 : housewife : lovable, caring, humorous : 6

Father: Oh Jihoon : 45 : Leader of Bluefish Entertainment : successful, intelligent, compassionate : 8 

brother Oh Seryeong : 20 : Cafe worker : very social, inspirational, easy-going : 6

bother: Oh Sehun : 19 : Member of EXO : hard working, lively, challenging : 9 



Bestfriend: Jimin : 18 : member of BTS : cool, brother-like, sweet : 9

Friend: Jongup: 18 : member of b.a.p : cute, energentic, lazy at times : 7

Friend: Baekhyun : 20 : member of exo : bright, cheerful and kind : 8



Stagename: E-Hye

Persona: Korea's second Goo Hara

Personal Fanclub Name:  Hyenas

Personal Fanclub Colours: baby bluebaby blue


Fanship: (Pairing within the group)

Special:  Nagging - IU and Seulong

Extra:  Modeling for Sisa Seoul and CeCi. Back-up dancer of Sistar's  Give It To Me. Did a CF for Yeolbong Chicken.



Love Interest: Luhan

Personality:  Luhan at first glance he may have seemed intimidating and cold because of his sharp, handsome features, but once you get to know him he's really as nice, kind and caring guy. He isn't the most talkative person, but he gets along with everybody incredibly well. He has a dry sense of humor and he is the type of person that could tell a joke completely straight-faced, then burst out laughing a few seconds later. He is very kindhearted and would always help someone if they were in need. He couldn't even pass by a stray dog in the streets without giving it any extra food he had on him. He is sometimes cold and should avoid being made angry at all costs, always has a cool and leveled head during a bad situation. Quiet and and keeps to himself, he doesn't talk much but you know that saying 'you can't judge a book by it's cover', well that saying is completely true just look at Luhan and you'll see it. Luhan may be quiet, handsome, hot and y but behind all of that is a persistent, erted, up-for-anything, go with the flow, laid back but possessive guy. When he set his eyes on something he finds interesting there is no stopping him until he gets what he wants and if you try to come between him or you're in his way well then good luck.

How they met: When her brother, Sehun, started being a trainee in SM, he had introduced her to the possible members of Exo, and had said that Exo was a included of two sub-units. The two were Exo-K, which were the korean ones. And Exo-M, which was the Mandarin ones. He had brought her to their rooms and introduced her to each one of the members and one of them had caught her sight. She thought he looked a little like a deer. But a handsome and cute one at that. From then on, everytime her mother tells her oldest brother to  deliver the boys some food, she always insisted in going with him just to see Luhan.

How they act around each other: Since they are friends, they would act like how friends are supposed to act. Sometimes, awkward, sometimes fun and loving.

Status: Friends



Do you think you're worthy enough to be in MISSGUIDED:  I'm not quite sure actually.. *rubs neck*

Do you know idols from Starship Entertainment: Yes, of course I do~ They're my sunbaes ^^

If yes, who are your favourites: Personally, all of the sunbaes are my favourite :)

How did you find out about Starship Entertainment: Well, my brother's friend was a close friend of Boyfriend's Kwangmin and Youngmin.

How was trainee life: Trainee life was not bad~ It was alright, actually. All the sunbaes are very nice here :)

Do you like bubble tea: Yes, I do! Very much!

What movie would you like to watch: Monster Universite and Despicable Me 2!

What is your favourite song: My favourite song is.. On & On by Boyfriend oppas~

What is your favourite choreography: Give It To Me by Sistar unnies~

What are your dreams: My dreams are to ba a singer, dancer and a pianist

What do you see yourself doing in the future: Well.. Since I got chosen as one of the possible members of MISSGUIDED, then I guess singing and/or dancing. :)



Scene Requests with Love Interest: Hello Baby special edition. Eunhye visit to SM.

Scene Requests with friends/family: Shopping! (OMG)

Comments: hmm.. hope you like it ^^ Let me know if anything's undone or wrong or anything >.<

Questions: N/A

Complaints: N/A


Anything else: N/A




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