Personal Rant


This may seem like my rebellious time, what with me coming home so late, but it is my twisted and pathetic way to make dad show his concern outright. I just want him to scold me, or just reply with a "No. Come home right now." anything is better than him keeping his feelings inside and not showing his concern in my face, even beating me is better than him only asking about me when im not around. 
All I wanted was for him to tell me to go home right then and right now, not to brush me off with an irritated tone. I have known his way of showing concern is those that I can't see, but it still hurts me when the sensitive idiot in me wants him to show it out in front of me. We were so close before, but now my attitude to him is just unfriendly and he doesn't even seem to want to make us closer or want to change that. I tried to but there seems to be a distance between us. What have become of us?
I know that mum is worried, why can't he show it like her? It may be hard for him to do so, but he should try, like I have tried to show him. How pathetic am I really, when I know that it is impossible for one to change the way they are doing things so easily. I'm just pathetically looking for the trigger that would set him off, just to see for myself that he indeed does care about me. How stupid and immature can I be?



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