Talking to a total stranger XD

I just talked with a total stranger (that isn't a stranger anymore) for about 2-3 hours, and i talked in English and now my mouth actually hurts XD

She's a dongsaeng, and she complimented my English skills AND I AM JUST SO HAPPY!!!
She's really nice and cool...

We were so awkward at the beginning, it was funny XD None of us actually knew what to say as time went on we just got comfortable..

It was something new to me, and It was nice talking to her..

I guess she's my friend now haha XD

I'd want to talk to more people now....but I'm still shy XD


If anybody wants to talk on Skype just PM me !!

Okay~Mari let's talk again tomorrow XD


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Kyaaaaa do u have kakao? :3
Haha we should ^^