Venus | Jang Jaeri | JJ; The Spring Flower Leader


Ayo GG!

Name : Jang Jaeri / Jennifer Jang

Nick Names : JJ. She likes being called JJ.

Stage Name : JJ

Birthdate : 1991 June 1st

Age : 22

Ethnicity : Korean-Australian

Bloodtype : B

Birthplace : Brisbane, Australia

Home Town : Brisbane, Australia

Languages: Korean and English (Fluent)

Personality :

Jang Jaeri - or JJ, as she prefers to be called - is an incredibly motherly leader. She's very caring; she puts the other members of Venus before herself, for better or for worst. If they're sick or hurt she'll take care of them no matter what the cost of that is. She's constantly working hard, and encouraging the rest of Venus to work hard as well. Her goal is to make Venus a successful group, and loves to compose new music for them. Composing really is her passion - she tries to write one song every day. JJ is also pretty adventurous; she's naturally very athletic and loves to excersize and work out. She's very extroverted; when you're talking to her she always makes the first move, and starts up conversations with ease. She's also got good stage presence, and can control a stage with ease.

However, JJ is pretty stubborn. If she doesn't get what she wants, she gets seriously upset. She's also a bit arrogant - she's a lot like her older brother in that sense - and thinks she's the best. As such, she doesn't work as hard as she should at a lot of things. She's also a bit weak-willed. It's easy for her to be convinced things by other people; being weak willed and easily trusting aren't good traits to combine, and as such, JJ is pretty easy to fool. JJ is also very sarcastic; her sence of humor doesn't translate in to Korean very well, and hence she can cause scandals by saying the wrong thing. JJ's also very competitive. She loves winning more than anything, and gets pretty grumpy if she loses.

Background :

JJ and her older brother, Jason, were born and raised in Brisbane, Australia. Their parents put a lot of academic pressure on them; they wanted the two to be dentists, not performers. However, that was their passion; they practiced in secret. When JJ signed as a trainee under Jellyfish, and Jason under Starkim, their parents made them enroll in university in order to have a back-up plan. It's a tough industry.

JJ was ecstatic to become a trainee. She practiced hard every day, but more on that below. Because her older brother debuted in LEDApple, her parents decided to support their kids fully in the entertainment field. It was a happy day for the both of them.

Now that JJ is debuting in Venus, she's focusing all of her work on composing songs for the group and making them a popular group. That's her #1 goal, and she thoroughly plans to reach it.




Whoz ThatGirl?

Idol Name : Lime

Links /Tumblr : Here

Back-up idol name : Min

Link/Tumblr : Here

Height : 162 cm

Weight : 51 kg

Style : JJ is really feminine and girly. She only ever wears skirts and dresses; she owns shorts, she just prefers not to wear them. In winter she has really pretty embroidered jeans that she always wears.




Family :

Yook Sunmi || 49 || Mom || Dentist

Jang Shihyuk || 51 || Dad || Dentist

Jang Hanbyul || 23 || Brother || Lead Singer (LEDApple)

Bestfriend : Kim Minseok (Xiumin) || 23 || He's really sweet and kind, and JJ attached to him pretty fast. The best thing about him is his kindness.

Friends :

Kasey Reed|| 19 || Baker

Ahn Leanne || 20 || Student

Choi Hyoyoung || 21 || Rainbow

Rivals :  Eunjung | 24 | T-ara | She's the main rapper in T-Ara now, and so JJ sees her as an opponent. | Her ice-cold personality - towards JJ anyway - turned JJ off.




My Baby !

Lovers Name : Ravi

Age : 20

Group : VIXX

Relationship : Just Friends.

How Long Have you been togther ? : [If dating]

How you treat eachother? : They're quite deeply in love with each other - that's clear - but because of VIXX's growing popularity they hide it. Other than that - well, JJ is his noona, so he's sweet and respectful to her.

Where/How did you meet? : Backstage at M Countdown.


Back-up Lover : N

Age : 23

Group : VIXX

Relationship : Leaders that get shipped together by fans; friendly rivals

How long have you been togther (if dating)

How you treat eachother? : They're friendly rivals - they always try to out-leader each other.

Where/How did you meet?: Backstage at M Countdown.





Likes :

  • Composing
  • Bike riding
  • Cats
  • Reading
  • Nail art

Dislikes :

  • Losing
  • Being talked down to
  • Not being respected
  • Horror movies
  • Speakers that are too loud

Hobbies : Composing.

Habits : Flipping her hair and cracking her knuckles when she's nervous.

Weakness : Her arrogance. That, and she's not too good a singer.

Trivia :

  • She's actually suprisingly intelligent.
  • Learning French from her brother.
  • Never seen without her nails done.
  • Ideal type is Lunafly's Teo.
  • Hates being touched, but is fine with touching.
  • Appeared in the music video for K.Will's Please Don't before debut.
  • Loves to dye her hair.
  • Watches all of LEDApple's YouTube covers.
  • Her favorite movie of all time is But I'm a Cheerleader!
  • Her favorite food is bulgogi. Give it to her and she'll love you forever.
  • Her Korean handwriting is horrible.
  • Known for her long legs, despite her short height.
  • The only thing she can cook is bread.
  • Modeled for Etude house pre-debut.



Again & Again!

Persona : The Spring Flower Leader

Position : Leader, Main Rapper

Back-up Position : Main Vocalist, Sub-dancer


Trainee Life : For JJ, trainee life was like a competition. Hence, she worked crazy hard at everything (though her singing really didn't end up getting much better.)

Trainee Years : 6 years



Volume  Up!

Comments : I would've made her love interest N, but then...nah.

Request :

  • Ravi taking JJ out for Bulgogi and insisting on paying.
  • Venus spending a vacation day together.

Suggestions : Nahh~

Password :  Don't Be Sad, No No No



© jekkajekkainfinite July 5 2013

Credit : Jungkooks_Wife_



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