Thinking in bed of what will happen tomorrow

Doesn't everyone think of what will happen to tomorrow? That's just what I think though… Like you get in bed and starts to ponder… hmmm, I'm going to clean my room and exercise! Then the next day, sits in front of laptop and checks facebook, fanfic and writes fanfic… -_- It sometimes makes me think that I'm wasting my life and not learning while the others are… It's really late at night (12:46 wel later after…) and right at this moment, I'm thinking. Sometimes werid thought can come up, such as does our brain ever rest? How did the whole universe created just by god or the big bang? Then slowly more weird thought keep coming up, which created images in my head and lead my way to dream land. But then, once again… Same thing happened the next night. I wondered of things that I'll do tomorrow, then waking up and it's already 1pm! ( That was only in the holidays, if it was school days my mum would of killed me) after doing all morning ruotine, I found myself sitting in front of the laptop again.… Sometimes I freak myself out, seriously…


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