❥SunLight Application Form *** ❥ (Hong Bo Jun)


{KHong Bojun






Username: LimSooMie

What can I call you: Soom

Activeness: 8


Character name: Hong Bo Jun (Beatrice Hong, Hong Bao Jun)

Hangul: 홍 보 준

Nickname(s): Abo (Twin Sister), LeadBo, Bo noona (EXO maknae lines) & Baby Bo (Wu Fan)

Birthdate: May 1st, 1991

Age: 21

Ethnicity: Chinese-Korean

Birth place: Beijing, China

Hometown: Gangnam, South Korea

Languages: Mandarin (Native), Korean (Fluent), English (Fluent) & Japanese (Basics)

Height: 173,7 cm

Weight: 47

Blood type: AB



Personality: Bojun is a fierce, cold, sly & cunning girl. She basically is the most coldest girl that you will ever met. Imagine when you're killing people. You will feel guilty when you kill someone. But Bojun doesn't feel, she just does it. No expression, no emotion. She doesn't like to be in other peoples business or be in trouble or be the trouble. She keeps everything to herself except to her twin sister. She smiles but it's rare, she almost never laugh, her words are icy, her critics will stab your heart & she's definetly not the person you want to mess up with

But at the same time, she's a good listener, wise, warm, polite, caring & loving girl, although it doesn't look like it, she's also a social butterfly. She's willing to hear her friends problem & if they ask for her advice, she will gladly give them. She's very dependable & sweet if you know her well. She maybe still be sarcastic & cold, but she really is a good person, she just need to adjust her new environtment around people

On-stage, she's pretty much the same as off-stage. Still fierce & cold, only with more politeness & softness because of her leader position. She can handle every single situation she has got into (even though she doesn't want to be part of it) & could answer everyones answer without any awkwardness

Background: At the date of May 1st 1991, Hong Bo Jun & Hong Sa Jun was borned to the world. Bojun being the older sister is 4 minutes early than her younger sister, Sajun. Both of them shared a different personality, Sajun the nice & Bojun the cold, but they're family & all of them loved each other. She really loves her sister because she's very sweet & caring & so she promise to protect her. At the age of 10, both of them are interested in dancing when they saw their own cousin dancing at her school event. They start taking proper dance course at a dance school. Both of them majored at every single dance class & genres, they're able to master all of them by the age of 13. At the age of 15, Bojun decided to join into a dance crew for fun, with her sister following behind her. They join them & start their career as a dancer

One day, she was attending an event at Seoul with her dance crew. After they finished their job, Bojun & her twin was approached by an SM scouting staff & being offered to do an audition. At first, Bojun was about to reject it because she thinks it will be a bother but seeing her twin sister's eyes twinkle when they were offered by it, she accepts it & auditioned. Both of them pass through the audition & keep on training to debut until this day



  • ​The Silence
  • Her twin sister
  • Kids
  • Dogs
  • Dancing
  • Music
  • Strawberries
  • Ramen
  • Coffee
  • Guitar
  • Mystery Novels
  • Horror Movies
  • Roses


  • Loud People
  • Nosy People
  • People who disturb her peace or her twin
  • Raspberry
  • Sour Things (except Strawberries)
  • No coffee
  • Plastic Flowers
  • People who acts cute & innocent
  • Fail Aegyo
  • Fake people
  • Hot pink
  • Alcohol
  • Back stabbers



  • Bites her nails
  • Strech when bored
  • Dance when bored
  • Smirks when planning someting really smart...or evil
  • Turns into a zombie when she's upset


  • Dancing
  • B-Girling
  • Knitting


  • Can dance ballet, jazz, hip-hop, poppin', locking, contemporary & b-girl
  • Her dance partner is Zhang Yi Xing
  • Get along well with kids
  • No matter in what mood she's in (except when it's with her twin or with Kris or when she's planing something), she's always have a dead expression & stares at people with blank eyes
  • Has 2 dogs, named Shiroko & Yonggam
  • Can cook
  • Has performed in live performance as a dancer. She has worked for Big Bang, 2NE1, 2NE1 CL, Lee Hi, BoA, TVXQ, Super Junior, Secret, Ladies' Code & Baek A Yeon
  • She's a V.I.P., Strutter, EXOtic, 4Nia, Say A, Blackjack & Fearless
  • She's part of a dance crew, she's famous because of this
  • She really loves her twin
  • She has a birth mark on her left waist
  • Her weakness is her sisters aegyo
  • Her scary looks & cold personality is actually the reason why she has many fans
  • She has many idol friends


Idol face-claim: Ladies Code Sojung

Backup idol face-claim: 2NE1 CL


Family members: 


Hong Wu Bei | Father | 46 | Doctor & Professor

Hong Bo Hyun | Mother | 43 | Lecturer & Teacher

Hong Xi Ah | Big Sister | 23 | Teacher

Hong Sa Jun | Twin Sister | 21 | Trainee


Best friends: 

Choi Seunghyun / T.O.P. | 25 | Idol (Big Bang)

Kwon Ji Yong / G-Dragon | 24 | Idol (Big Bang)

Ahn Hyo Jin / LE | 21 | Idol (EXID)

Wu Yi Fan / Kris Wu | 22 | Idol (EXO)


The rest of Big Bang members

All of EXO member

All of miss A member

Amber | Idol (f(x))

Kwon Boa | Idol (BoA)

Nam Jihyun | Idol (4Minute)

Kyung Ri | Idol (9Muses)

Kim Hyun Ah | Idol (4Minute)

Yoo Ara | Idol (Hello Venus)

Kim Hyo Yeon | Idol (SNSD)

Sanghyun & Sandara Park | Idol (MBLAQ & 2NE1)

Kana & Kara Kaguya | Internet Idol (Double K)


Love Interest: Wu Yi Fan / Kris Wu

Personality: Warm, Loving, Caring, Cocky, Slighty erted (Only towards Bojun), Childish (only towards Bojun), a leader figure, Possesive (Only towards Bojun) & Over-Protective (Only towards Bojun)

How you met: It was when she's still in Beijing, on her school days. It was raining & she forgot her umbrella, making her wait until the rain stops while grumbling. She kept on waiting & the rain never stops. She was about to storm into the rain when there's a (freakin' tall) boy approachs her. He seemed to realize that she doesn't bring her umbrella with her, he offered to walk her home with his umbrella. She hesitated at first but then took his offer. That's when she realize that he's the transferred student from Canada & the captain of basketball team. She, of course feel terrified because he's one of the kingkas & she promised herself not to distrub the kingkas. So, the ride home was awkward. But he soon break the ice by asking her day. They talked & talked until both of them got comfortable with each other. When they reached her home, he asks for her phone number & she gave hers. After that, they got close

How you interact: Even though both of them are not a couple, Wu Fan wants to believe that they're a couple. He has a dead-end, troubling & frustating big crush for Bojun. He always teases Bojun (ends up with a smack), bothers Bojun (but in the good way...still ends up with a smack), skinships with her (....not always ends up with a smack) & he always smiles & pinch her cheeks when she's having that dead expression on her face (yet again, ends up with a really hard smack). But Bojun doesn't feel annoyed, she's pretty comfortable with him. She allows him to kiss her forehead, hugs her tightly, calls her 'Baby Bo~' (sometimes ends up with a smack when she found it really annoying), sleeps on her lap & cuddle with her because she's already used to him. They do bicker a lot but it always ends up iwth a laugh (or in this case, Kris is laughing & Bojun is SMILING) because they can't really got mad with each other. Wu Fan still tries to give her hints of his feelings but Bojun seems to not notice...yet...

Relationship: Love-Hate & Unseperable besties (but more with the lovee~)

Backup love interest: Hyunsik of BtoB

Love rival: Kwon Ji Yong / G-Dragon

Personality: Playful, childish, romantic, sweet & caring

How you met: It was when Jiyong still 6 years old, he was playing at the park with an ice cream on his hand, smiling happily as he taste the sweet & cold flavour on his tongue. He runs to the swing & tripped on his own foot. His ice cream falls to the ground & splattered all over it. Little Jiyong, realizing that his ice cream is gone, starts to cry out loud. He kept on crying & crying until a somebody offered him a hand. That hand is small, as small as his. He look up to see a girl with a twin tail & an strawberry flavoured ice cream on her left hand. He took her hand while still sniffing & got up. She rubbed & clean his dirty clothes with her free right hand. After he's clean, he smiled at her but frowned again seeing his now dirty & un-eatable ice cream. She noticed him looking at the ice cream. She looked at her ice cream then at him, tears welling up again at his huge brown orbs. She offered him her ice cream & he looked at her in shock but with a glint of happiness too. He slowly took her ice cream & bring it directly to his mouth, slowly it as he feels the new flavour. He smiled brightly & she smiled a little. Both of them played at the park for the rest of the day

How you interact: Jiyong is the playful one & Bojun is the cold one. He always joke around her & she always smacks his head, only to have him to laughing about it. It's more like she's the older one than Jiyong. He always tries to make her laugh & smile but he only earned her small smile. She look him as her best friend & Jiyong look at her as his baby sister...or maybe more than that

Relationship: Unseperable besties

Why is he your love rival: Jiyong & Bojun are friends since kindergarten. And then Kris came along the way & all of them became a trio. Jiyong at first look at her only as his sister, but as they grow up he realized he has feelings for her. He wants to confess to her but he knows what Kris' feels towards her. He buried his pain deep down & keep playing as her best friends even though it hurts him

Backup love rival: Zhang Yi Xing


Rival: Lee Soon Kyu / Sunny

Age: 24

Group: SNSD

Personality: Act innocent around the people she likes, two-faced, coquettish, flirty, whiny, nags & complains a lot

How you interact: Bojun acts natural arounds her & never initiates the fight first. But when Sunny initiates the fight first, she will fight back with her heart-stabbing & icy words. And Sunny somehow always loses to her

Why are your rivals: First, it's because Bojun could pass through the audition without cheating & purely because she has great talents. Second, it's becuase she's aware of Kris' big time crush for Bojun & Sunny has a crush on Kris. She kept trying to flirt with him & seduce him but always ends up embarrassed cause he only look at her as his sunbae. Third, because Bojun is famous even before she debuted. And lastly...it's because she's basically more better than her


Stagename: Bojun

How you got into SM/Pledis: She got scouted by SM staff when she was performing with her dance crew

Persona: Leader Wolf

Position: Leader, Main Rapper, Dance Battle Queen & Actress

Backup position: Main Dancer, Lead Rapper

Fanclub name: Baby Boo

Fanclub color: Babyboo

Training years: 5 Years

Mentor: Kim Hyoyeon & U-Know Yunho

Label: SM Ent.


Singing twin: Kim Yoo Bin Linkuu

Rapping twin: Kim Yoo Bin Linkuu , Linkuu2

Dancing twin: f(x) Victoria (B-Girl is Kim Sori) Linkuu, Linkuu2Linkuu3

Talking twin: Girl's Day Hyeri Linkuu (Ignore the aegyo please!)


Comments/Remarks: Annyeong! Thank you for reviewing & considering this character! I'm sorry if there's any grammar mistakes because English is not my native language! I hope you like her, Gamsahamnida!


  1. Secret - Shy Boy
  2. Secret - Starlight Moonlight
  3. Secret - YooHoo
  4. SNSD - Oh!
  5. SNSD- Snowy Wish
  6. A Pink - BuBiBu
  7. A Pink - My My
  8. A Pink - It Girl
  9. A Pink - Hush
  10. Rainbow - Mach
  11. Rainbow - Tell Me Tell Me
  12. Dal Shabet - Be Ambitious
  13. Girl's Day - Twinkle Twinkle
  14. f(x) - Hot Summer
  15. SISTAR - Loving You
  16. Orange Caramel - Lipstick
  17. Orange Caramel - Shanghai Romance
  18. Orange Caramel - Magic Girl

Scene request: I want when Wu Fan is aware of Sunny's jealousy of them so he start to do more skinship & got closer to Bojun (especially him nibbling Bojun's fingers & ears...yet again, ends up with a smack). Next, I know this is kind of sad & angsty but...could you make a scene where Sunny pushed her off the stairs & Bojun banged her head until she's coma (I know...sorry). And Wu Fan cried when he heard the news & insist to wait for her until she's awake






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