Iphone Question

If I update the IOS on a jailbroken phone, will my phone get unjailbroken? (is that even a word? XD)


Because I really want the iphone to be NOT jailbroken.  All these jailbreak customization is giving me a headache. I just want it back to its original.




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jishu, nah dli jud na pwede sa ato. ahaha. malas. wala ko ga jailbreak, pero mawala jud siya. so ayaw! and also, wala pa atay jailbreak sa latest version sa iOS.
When you jailbreak your phone, you jailbreak your phone. You can always take your jailbreak off though. You can't update your phone when it's jailbreaken because once you have it jailbroken basically you have 'no carrier' by that I mean AT&T, Sprint, Verision and etc on companies. So, the only way to do it, is you take off the jailbreak and delete it. Search on YouTube about that if you don't know how to do it. But I will say this, once you jailbreak your iPhone, iPod, iPad, something might go wrong and you can't turn it in to get warranted. So, make sure you delete the jail break off of your phone if you're gonna get it warranted (if you can). But, yeah getting back to the subject, you can't update a jailbroken phone. You have to to manually take it off and stuffs
Hope this helped! ^^
leeeunhye407 #3
yes it would remove the jailbreak on the iphone. :D