Enlightened Keeper [part 3 of the Enlighten series]


After a year since asking those questions in a previous post, it is confimed.

He’s aware of the outlandish fanfics written about him, to which Eun-ha explains that the thought of their idols oppa dating each other is less crushing to the fans than another girl.

- gummimochi, Monstar: Episode 4 dramabeans recap








/reading the comments in that blog 





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BitterIchigo #1
Hmmm.. I've heard of few idols who know about them in real life, but you can't be sure?

Perhaps they're lurking here as one of us. We'll never know...
Huh. Now the question is whether the idols have ever read any, or if they know the extent so of these fanfics go to. Although he did call the fanfiction "outlandish."