I know i shouldn't be crying again, but i just can't help it.

Like usual, this is on my Ipod so everything will be scrunched up :/ So i came home after a long day's of training and match, and came online. So i went to allkpop and saw this . http://www.allkpop.com/2011/11/behind-the-scenes-with-shinees-minho-for-auction-cf And being the wimp i am.. i cried again:/ I really really wish and want Goo eunae to be replaced by taemin! It'll make the entire thing wayyyyyy better! 2Min CF. And a hot y one at that! My heart felt like it was being ripped apart and thrown into a fire and stabbed by 1000 knives during the few minutes of the video. And the tears sorta came out by itself :X I'm sucha wimp when it comes to 2min and stuff :X But really! Watching the BTS is worser than the Cf itself ;~;


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Okay.........NOW, I feel the same. I didn't think it'd hurt so much (OMG!) but I can't help but think of Taemin....

I feel the same...
Well not EXACTLY the same because Minho isn't my bias xD
BUT HELL YES TO THE 2MIN CF! It should always be Taemin only! <3 T^T
jonggggup #3
of course.
when i watched it too, i did not see some goo eunae girl.
Stop crying over something so little and making your Unni worry about you!! T.T I went to tumblr and I found this for you I saw earlier today, I hope it cheers you up some ^^ http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltrazoPLwb1r4wzobo1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ6IHWSU3BX3X7X3Q&Expires=1320328984&Signature=X3HI2fIOQOQeXssu8C4XroTcC8Q%3D

Now don't look at that ever again! Or just think of how y Minho is and that he could be doing that in real life to Taemin ^^ I will also survive through my bias, Key flirting up close with BoA!

Loves! I will give you this too, and the site on tumblr if you just want to obsess over Taemin and put warm fuzzies back in your stomach ^^

T^T I feel the same as you. I was so depressed yesterday omg.