This is Bull Spit (Part Two)!!!

Okei I know you probably don't care, but I had to rant about this for my weekly blog... sorry :-{

Here we go....

On June 17, 2013, I got this summer job at Detroit Youth Works and I don't know, but this effing job is some of the majorest BULL SPIT I've ever been apart of. Like in my crazy arse 15 years of work.. It's like this, on Monday, July 1, 2013 at 9:00 am we started work and we worked with our Coasta Rican supervisor Ana and our Scottish supervisor Joe. Me and two of the 5 actual workers didn't really care for Joe, but we liked Mary Sarah so we asked Mr. Chad if we could swap him out for her and he agreed. But before that we were cleaning at this church right behind our office. We walked up to the housing place or something. There we laid top soil over old grass, pulled weeds, mowed lawns, laid grass seeds, sweeped streets and sidewalks, picked dead vines off fences and then it rained. The other half of Team 2, my team, went to Ypsilanti to set up for a wedding. They worked and then it started raining and they napped in the van!!

Us on the other hand, we went back to the church, in the rain. We cleaned the church basement of a lot of freaking scrap metal and bull. Then we ate lunch and took a like 20 minute nap compared to the other teams 4 hour nap. Yesterday we got Mary Sarah on our half of Team 2. Sadly, we got Jim too. Jim is soo irratating and he has the most twisted sense of humor ever. He is soo morbit in everything. ANYWAYS....  we had to fill this giant ugly arse hole from a boiler in the basement with cement, right. The holes was in the basement since 1962... that's 51 freaking years ago. I was thinking like...Why the hell this gosh dang hole ain't filled yet, Paster Greg?  So Ana was all excited and shizz so we went into the basement and had to mix the cement. So we mixed the cement and Mary Sarah kept playing with the mix inside the wheel barell... After we finished the basement,Paster Greg gave us all these made up jobs to do because he knew we got off work at 4:00 or 4:30||| irratated|||

So today, our kill joy, Joe, my personal favorite (when we started), Mary Sarah, and the supervisor, Ana and everybody else got to working at the church today. The two boys Jim and (name not to be disclosed) were working outside while Ana, Mary Sarah, and the rest of the workers went to finish laying cement. When the girls got does Pastor Greg way all, "I'ma ask ya'll if you could bring this wheel barrell outside and we can fill this hole in the alley and then we can wash the tools, okay?" so I was all "Uh, no..." to myself and he laughed cuz he knew I wasn't serious, but Mary Sarah looked at me all funny and shizz so we went outside and did CITY OF MOTHER FREAKING DETROIT works and junk. So Ana and Mary Sarah decided it would be a good idea to help the guys pull weeds from the curb. So we complained and pulled weeds and stopped occasionally because GRRR DANG! it was hot while we were working. So Mary Sarah was all "Get back to work. Pull some weeds." like everytime somebody stopped. I'm thinking like You don't have to keep telling us to get back to work ok? We'll start up in a minute. Obviously white people don't get hot as fast a black people when working in the sun for long periods of time without water, but shizz. So we started weeding again then we stopped like 20 minutes later and she was all " I don't wanna have to sound like a broken record. It's really irratating and I know it is, but get back to work." Me and (name not to be disclosed) was looking at her like THE FRACK?

Mary Sarah and Jim pushed our last nerve today, like they kept us later to clean the street. So everybody outside scrapping and sweeping the street was complaining (only 3 people, including me) and Mary Sarah was all "The next person to complain gets a formal warning. So stop complaining, I don't wanna hear it." and for the first time since I stopped cursing about 4 weeks ago I was like "B*tch shut the up with that sh*t." but she didn't hear me like I hoped she did. Then we were standing around, me, my girl (name not to be disclosed) and my boy (name not to be disclosed) was hanging by the sign chillin since it was time to go and Jim came up and was like "(name not to be disclosed) you already have 1 formal warning you better get back to work." we started trippin because the people not that much older than us tryin to tell us what to do... and in a disrespectful manner. 

But what irratated me the most was the fact that Jim was trying to put more stuff in an already full bucket and I'm like, "It's not going to fit, that's the common sense to it all" I only said it cause he was stuggling andstill trying to force it in there. I'm like No sweetie it's not going in there anytime soon. Mary Sarah rolled her eyes and I was thinking The you rolling yo eyes at? If I smacked that blue out yo in eyes would you still be rollin em? Huh? she walked away and dumped the buck. I went and got my stuff and was like "Jim I'm leavin, my grandma outside the office." and left before he could say anything. I was too ing irratated to deal with them anymore. They probably gave me a warning or two they said they gave me one for not being in uniform and I really don't care. 

They can fire me! We overworked, underpaid and under respested |||b*tchfacing||| 

I'm sorry I just had to rant about this a bit because I'm really upset... It's not that I'm ungrateful or that I'm not happy that I got paid... It's just that I don't think it's fair that we do all this work and get bird scratch cash... It's unconstitutional!!! I'm not usually this racist (I'm not going to say I'm not because I kinda am), but I don't understand how I'm working for people who have been in America for probably less than 5 years...

See part 1 here:


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