lost a friend (pt 2)

Okay, I have tried everything. I tried to talk to him but he avoids me. He wont answer my calls. Nothing works. And now I ended up hurt and found myself avoiding him. I dunno why i became this miserable. We bumped into each other a lot lately. Well, we are living in the same school so its a bit hard to avoid each other :/ Today, i bumped into him and he was with tht girl in her class.. He smiled at me but thanks a lot to my ego, I gave him a glare. he was taken aback but i dont care. I ran to my class and told my friend about him. She also said tht she no longer sees me hanging out with tht guy and he's lately been with tht girl. I know, people come and go. But i just cant easily let go of this guy. I dont like him, and im certain of that. I just cherish him a lot as a friend. And i just think he knows something tht i dont. But why avoid me? I dont care about him telling other people but why does he has to keep it away from me? And I thought i could fix this problem between us. Indeed i was dead wrong. Is it really over? is this really the ending?


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bunbunbunbunbunn #1
I don't know if my advices ever helped you, but I try to put myself in your situation to give you advice that might hopefully help you ><
if i were you i'd ignore him and give us some time to cool off i guess? /: i'll put space between us too ._.
I had a friend like you. I always helped him with his gf (which is my bestfriend) but he talked to me ONLY about problems with his gf, so I stopped talking to him. I avoided him to see that if he really thinks of me as his bestfriend, he would come and talk to me to see what's wrong. He never did. So now I don't see him the same way as before. Were just distant friends now~