최시원 화이팅!


I thought Siwon supposed to be on SBS Gayo Daejun by now... but he tweeted this:
어제 또 다시 노예계약이라는 단어가 수면위로 올라왔다..서로가 믿음과신뢰로 같은 꿈을 향해 열심히 달려왔고, 앞으로 더욱 도약하고싶은데 마치 내가 노예가 된 기분이드는 노예계약이라는 말은 다시는 안나왔으면 좋겠다 :)
Again yesterday, the word slave-contract climbed to the surface .. We ran hard towards the same dream with faith and trust, I want to continue to leap forward and I hope that this feeling of restriction & the thought of a slave-contract doesn't surface again :)
내가 이야기 하지도 않은말이 헤드라인이될줄은 정말 몰랐다! " 현재는? "그런말은 내뱉은적이 없는데 :(
I couldn't believe that words I never even spoke of would make the headline! "Currently?" That word never came out of my mouth :(
I hope he's doing well. He must be really pissed out about the slave-contract rumor because he even tweeted them both in Korean and English :(
최시원 화이팅!


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