Phoenix is NOT a real Bird?!

Oh my gosh! You guys are not gonna believe this. I just discovered now... as in now... that a Phoenix is not a real bird.

After 13 years of living, i just discovered that a Phoenix is just a legendary bird. My mom attended a New Year convention which has a theme which states: PS: a Phoenix in the Lustrous Oasis.

I don't really enjoy listening to speaches nor like to go to a convention. My mom just forced me to come because after the said convention, she and I will visit my Grand mom. The whole thing was boring, too boring that I almost fell asleep. Good thing my mom wakes me up every now and then.

Her old boss, whisch we call 'the big Momma' was already on stage preparing her own closing remarks. I don't really want to listen to her boring speach, but when I heard what she said about the Phoenix, I was shocked that I actually listened to her.

She has this very good introduction of the Phoenix which goes like this:

Good morning ladies and gentlemen! We are all gathered here today to commemorate and welcome the next year that we will be facing.

PS: a Phoenix in the Lustrous Oasis, what does this mean? No, what is a Phoenix rather?

A phoenix is a mythical bird that is a fire spirit with a colorful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet (or purple, blue, and green according to some legends). It has a 500 to 1000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The new phoenix is destined to live as long as its old self. In some stories, the new phoenix embalms the ashes of its old self in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis (literally "sun-city" in Greek). It is said that the bird's cry is that of a beautiful song. The Phoenix's ability to be reborn from its own ashes implies that it is immortal, though in some stories the new Phoenix is merely the offspring of the older one. In very few stories they are able to change into people.

Yes Phoenix indeed can be a good word to describe our company whic helps the people and changes their lives... BLA BLA BLA!

And that's how I discovered that Phoenix is just a legendary flaming bird. I'm so disappointed to myslef... *sigh* even a 3rd grader knows this fact... Indeed I'm a dummy...


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articuno #1
it's not a real bird indeed but in childish and fairytale believers heart(like me) They live in glory and pride, building fantasy in our little mind. Btw, i'm 13 and 3 month, and still let mystical creatures live in my mind. no harm right?