Miracle Application| Song Hyeji


{Song Hyeji}



~AFF User~

Profile Name: Kang_Sara

How often are you on?: 9

What should I call you? Riri


~About You~

Full Name: Song Hyeji Xiao Li

Birthdate/Age: December 14, 1995/ 17 turning 18 at the end of the year

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Height/Weight: 168cm 51kg

Blood Type: O

*Nickname(s): Heo-Ji, Honey abs

*Stage Name: Hyeji

*Individual Fanclub Name/Color: 

Languages-How Fluent: Korean [First language], Mandarin [Fluent, learned from her mom], English [Conversational, she sometimes spoke English with her grandma in Taiwan, she also learned it during middle school and high school]



Shes very trustworthy, however doesnt trust people easily, she wont talk about her own feelings because she doesnt feel safe talking about them. She's very competetive and stubborn, she really cant stand losing. On variety shows if theres a game involved she does everything to win but ends up losing in the end most of the time. She gets her nickname Heo-ji from the word Heodang, which means a person who looks perfect on the outside but has many flaws, a black hole. She got her Heodang image on weekly idol, when the host first met her they thought she was sweet and innocent however she messed up the most for the dancing, when asked to sing high notes she made her voice crack and made a bunch of mistakes while singing her lines. Since shes so young they thought she would be innocent but she ended up making a erted joke and  thus ruined her image as shy and innocent. And as she was walking onto set during the greeting as their getting introduced she tripped on her own feet, then again as she was walking off set at the end, and thus deeming her with the Heodang image. Hyeji has a sharp tongue and always has to talk back, but it comes from her stubbornness she can throw people under the bus and is known for revealing members secrets, only if its small things like: xxx sleeps with open and drools. shes very ambitios and doesnt like looking like a failure, especially on stage. Shes very honest, she doesnt mind telling her own secrets or telling someone what she honestly thinks of them, if she doesnt like someone she'll say it. If she likes someone she'll admit it.Shes very short tempered, when she loses games or competitions she throws a fit and will hit things or people. Shes seriously concited and confident in her body, if someone compliments her she takes compliments well but wont compliment that person back for ex: "Hyeji those shorts look nice on you!" "Thanks, i know they do" with either a smirk, or cute smile.

She cries easily, and is easily touched, shes probably the cry baby of the group, she doesnt try keeping her emotions in because she thinks if you keep your emotions in and smile while crying it doesnt look strong or cute, you just look ugly. Shes a very cheerful girl laughing all the time over little stupid things which confuses people often. She can joke around with anyone, even new staff members, but when if comes to being on stage or practice she becomes totally absorbed, she feels alive when shes on stage,  and when people laugh or smile, she really makes it her goal to make others happy. Shes often told she was born with the talent as an entertainer. A lot of people feel comfortable around her when they first meet her, and it surprises everyone by how close she gets with others in such a short amount of time. She gives off a very playful, fun, sweet, nice, and friendly aura.


Hyeji comes from a pretty wealthy family, her dad is a surgeon while her mom works as a child pediatrition. Shes an only child and a mix baby. Her mom is Taiwanese, while her dad is Korean. Her Mom moved over to Taiwan while she was 20 and met Hyeji's dad. Hyeji was always the tthat slacked off in school, sorry, B2ST came first for Jihyun. Her dad wasn't so happy about Hyeji spending half her time on the internet staring at fancams of B2ST and the other half attending gymnastics classes, he wanted his daughter to excell in school and become a childrens doctor just like her mom, but he knew Hyeji had no dreams of becoming a doctor, he knew she really wanted to be someone who gets to stand on stage and perform in front of people. 

Instead of studying after school or doing homework Hyeji used to go to hongdae after school days she didnt have gymnastics and sing at small contest, thats how she earned money to pay for vocal classes. She was pretty popular at certain teen clubs for her performances and there are still videos of her on youtube performing.


  • She doesnt get jet lagged ever, in fact Jihyun has more energy after a long flight
  • Shes allergic to plums and cucumbers
  • She has honey abs
  • She owns a total of 23 pairs of shorts because she hates jeans, she always wears shorts. She doesnt own one pair of jeans
  • She has a tendancy to sleep in only her underwear at night
  • Shes very open and doesnt mind showering with other members, or leaving the door open when shes showering or changing
  • Her dog peed on their CEO's shoes, as well as in her managers bed, and lablemate Sunggyu's foot.
  • Prefers popsicles over ice cream.
  • Shes the member closest with their presidant but she says Bokshiri peeing on his foot helped them get closer.
  • She was voted a bagel girl because of her cute face but mature body
  • She was the female dancer in MBLAQ's Smokey Girl at parts 2:55 when dancing with Mir, and one of the back ground dancers in the MV
  • Shes really flexible, almost as flexible as F(x)'s victoria. Hyeji can go into the center splits easily
  • Shes a fan of B2ST, Seo Taeji, Duex, and Park Jin young
  • She doesnt know how to swim or ride a bike
  • Shes terrified of Bugs, Spiders, Snakes, and Haunted places
  • She loves piercings and wants to get a tattoo on her right hip when  she turns 19.
  • Her ideal type is: Tall, dark hair, nice collar bone, abs, good with kids, it would also be nice if his ears were pierced. A guy that takes her on simple dates like to a cafe or park, not something big like an amusment park. Lee Jonghyun
  • Shes a big fan of Neyo and loves his song Forever Now, its the song that she always uses to practice on her own.


  • She bites her lip
  • She has to sleep in her underwear at night, if she doesnt she'll take her clothes off in her sleep
  • If shes super tired she sleep walks and will start the shower, but wont take a shower.
  • If someone sleeps on her bed she kicks them to get off
  • She curses in Mandarin or English when shes seriously frustrated.


  • Working out
  • Watching Kdramas
  • Shopping
  • Listening to music
  • Playing dance dance revolution


  • "Dont cry and prettend everythings alright, let someone comfort you or else you just look ugly and creepy"
  • "Be patient and tough, someday the pain will be useful to you"



Ulzzang Name: Baek Jae Ah

Ulzzang Pictures: Gallery

Back-up Ulzzang: Han Su hyun

Back-up Ulzzang Pictures: Gallery 


~Trainee History~

How you got discovered: She sang at a contest at Lotte world and won 2nd place, a TOP media representative was there to scout for possible talent and found Hyeji.

Years of Trainee/From what age: she trained for 2 years and started training when she was 16

Describe your trainee days: She was never disliked by anyone, she was really liked by a lot of the younger trainees because she was always playful with them, and would take them out for a meal when they had time, she really took care of her hoobaes well. She was that trainee that the older trainees thought was fun and cute so they took care of her a lot. She never once found training hard, she would go for schedualed practices and if she wanted to work harder she would stay for more hours. The only thing she found hard was when they tried to get her to learn how to rap. Other than that she was known for being the trainee that knew how to have fun during practice, if everyone was tired and gloomy in the dance room she would play upbeat and fun music and start a dance party to lift their spirits. One of her trainers threatened to kick Hyeji out because she was always screwing off but Hyeji asked the trainer how having dance parties after practice hours was screwing off, and it made the trainer flustered and annoyed.



Mother: |Liang Xiao Shu| 48| Child doctor| Her mom is really friendly and funny. Shes almost fifty but Xiao Shu acts as if shes still 25, not to mention her young looks. She has a similar personality to Hyeji, shes very outgoing and friendly, she has a sharp tongue and what her husband calls an "Attitude problem" but Xiao Shu just says "Its not an attitude problem, i just have a personality you cant handle"

Father: |Song Seungwook| 49| Surgeon| Hes very serious and strict with Hyeji

*Pet(s) |Bokshiri| He's a 2 month old puppy her dad gave her. Bokshiri lives with Hyeji at the dorm but Hyeji hates when the other members try to play with him because she thinks they'll steal all of Bokshiris love, and then he'll leave her. She literally takes him everywhere, to tv shows, music broadcastings, photo shoots, MV shootings, fan meets ect. Her manager will keep Bokshiri with him until Hyeji has time to hold him. She even takes Bokshiri over seas. The fans love him and Bokshiri is a little camera , he loves his picture being taken. Hes a smart dog but if Hyeji ask's him to perform certain tricks he never listens to her~Picture Link


 ~Social Life~


  • Kim Sunggyu| 23| Main Vocal of Infinite| Hes a grandpa, he nags a lot, and is really stubborn. Hes actually really smart, and takes good care of the members even though sometimes their a bit mean to him. He cares for them and is like a dad to them.

How you met them: He walked in on the trainees one day while Hyeji was having one of their dance parties to lift everyones mood, other trainees saw their sunbae watching and dragged him in to join them, Hyeji ran up to him jumping around to the music just like the others and tried to get him to join in with them.

  • Ricky|18| member of Teen Top| Hes cute and friendly, he has his moments when he shys away but most of the time hes really lively and energetic. Hes looks really cute but he can show a tougher image when hes not on camera. Hes always being picked on by s.

How you met them: Ricky and Hyeji are classmates as well as desk partners at school, they both attend Seoul Performing Arts high school.



  • Changjo| 17| Member of Teen Top| Hes shy around people hes not close with but will still treat them kindly. Around people hes close with hes really lively and humorus. He's very short tempered and hot headed. He's self concious of his cheeks, and weight. 

How you met them: They first met when Changjo stopped by Ricky and Hyeji's high school after classes ended, there were a few people left wandering around but Ricky had texted Changjo to come to the auditorium. When he got there he found Ricky and Hyeji, Ricky was trying to dance to Neyo's because of you  while Hyeji watched and tried to mimick what he was doing. Changjo shouted at Ricky from the doors and then walked over to them. He asked why Ricky wanted to see him, and why ricky wasnt heading to teen tops practice room. Ricky said while pointing to Hyeji, that his friend had an evaluation at the end of the month and she really wanted to dance to this song but she wasnt sure how to dance to it and sing at the same time, he was wondering if Changjo would help her. They ended up spending 3 hours dancing together and Changjo was seriously critical about everything and scolded her for the smallest mistakes. He met her again at the schools dance room after school hours and continued helping her until her evaluation, he also got her number on their second meeting.

*Rival(s): |Name| Age| Occupation| Description

*Reason(s) for Rivalry:


~Love Life~

Love Interest: Choi Jonghyun/ Changjo

How you met: Its up there (^)

How long have you known him: 12 months

Back-up Love Interest: Moon Jongup

How you met: Same as with Changjo

How long have you known him: Same as with Changjo

*Scene Requests: 

  • At a music programe Changjo and Hyeji are still waiting before they go on but they have at least 6 performances ahead of them, so both decide to go to the cafe down stairs and get coffee. when they go back the two wait in the hallways with their drinks and start small talk. Miracles lead vocalist was looking for Hyeji and when she found her she started teasing Hyeji in mandarin, asking if Hyeji and Changjo were in a secret relationship. Changjo couldnt understand but he got an idea since the lead vocalist had a smirk on her face and Hyeji was blushing madly.
  • On a night when everyone still has scheduals except Hyeji and Changjo, he invites her to Teen Tops practice room to watch scarey movies. He buys the movies and waits for her while she goes out to buy junk food and drinks for them to eat while watching scarey movies. She also buys a pizza so they have a decent meal. Changjo also brought a bunch of pillows and blankets so they dont have to sit on the hard ground, and since its already dark outside and the practice room is cold they end up snuggled up in blankets. While they were watching the grudge on Changjos laptop, Through the whole movie Hyeji is clinging onto Changjo and hiding her face in his chest at scarey parts.
  • Changjo and Hyeji go on a variety show together, since its winter and shes wearing shorts he shares his blanket with her, but they both get teased by the hosts.
  • Changjo to get jealous of Hyeji saying her ideal man is Lee Jonghyun, and he gets angry with her. When she says it was just for the show hes still really stuborn about it so Hyeji ask's how she can make it up to him, and he says to let him take her out on a date. They have to sneak out late at night though and they dont really go anywhere special he just takes her to a playground and they hang out at the playground for a few hours. Sunggyu who was heading back from the dorm spots them together. He stops the van infront of them and gets out, Hyeji can see hes mad and he pulls her away from Changjo scolding them both for sneaking around at night, and saying how dangerous it is for idols to do things like this, Hes beyond mad at Hyeji for sneaking out and disappointed that Changjo as a sunbae to her wouldnt enforced the actions. Then he leaves with Hyeji continuing to scold her for what she did, but he promises he wont tell their ceo or her manager.
  • Changjo and Hyeji to continue sneaking out.
  • Teen Top and Miracle go on weekly idol for a special with Sunggyu as a host. Chunji reveals that lately Changjo has been sneaking out for a few hours lately. After hearing Chunjis statement the Main Rapper of Miracle perks up and points at Hyeji saying lately Hyeji has been sneaking out as well. Hearing this Sunggyu frowns at hyeji, but Doni asks if Hyeji and Changjo are secretly meeting up. They both strongly deny it but Chunji continues to ad fuel to the fire and says "When he was getting ready to leave one night i took his phone while he was in the bathroom because he got a text. It was from a girl and she said 'Im leaving now'". Hyeji snaps at Chunji saying either way it probably couldnt have been her. Chunji asks her where she was a certain day and the Main Rapper answers saying "She snuck out that night"
  • Changjo to kiss Hyeji quickly while theyre backstage for music bank/inkigayo/mnet ect. but quickly walk away before she can scold him, lucky for them no one noticed but Sunggyu did, he scolded Hyeji saying she was to young to be in any sort of relationship, not to mention with the member of a popular boy band like Teen Top.

*Past Lover(s): 

*Reason for End of Relationship:

*Current Relationship:


~Role in Group~ 

(Highlight which role you want and back up)

Korean-American; Main Rapper, Sub-Vocal
Taiwanese-Korean;Main Vocalist, Sub-Rapper
French-Korean; Lead Rapper, Vocalist
Vietnamese-Korean;Lead Dancer, Vocalist, Rapper
Chinese-Korean; Lead Vocalist, Rapper






*Scene Requests:

Hyeji, BAP's Zelo, and Teen Top's Changjo perform a special stage and perform Tears by Leesang

Miracle to go on weekly idol and the MC's ask Hyeji to show her abs but when she says she cant because shes a lady Doni says "there are 2 host, 6 ladies, then theres you" jokingly and gets her to finally show her abs. 

Miracle should go to hawaii...like for a vacation with Infinite, and Tasty




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I'm kind of confused, because you're switching between the names JiHyun and HyeJi...And if you wanted to add more things, I can't accept the application. It should be completed, and ready for reviewing. If you have any changes you want to make, please change them and then message me again.