↷ I.AM Ulzzang Wannabe Shop ↷ Application Form



    I.AM an Ulzzang...

↷ application forms...


(replce the pic above with your best pic and delete all brackets in progress...)

1, 2, 3, GO!...

username: (hyperlink to your profile...)

real name: (your birth name, please...)

country: (where do you live now?)

↷ Get ready to be famous...

stage name: (what do you want to be known as?)

pictures: (min. 10 or 15, or you can link to a gallery. selcas are fine...)

date of birth: (dd/mm/yy. your own, please...)

trivia: (optional. but max is 5. again, your own, please...)

contacts: (twitter? facebook? anything I can use to reach you?)

Glad I survived... /shots/

comments: (wanna say somethin' ?)

questions: (this is kinda new, so ask!)

special requests: (any requests?)

password: (no hints on this!)


welcome to a world where you're special...


regards, I.AM Ulzzang Wannabe Shop...


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↷ 1, 2, 3, GO!...

username: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/371063

real name: Aye Chan Thwe

country: Myanmar

↷ Get ready to be famous...

stage name: Crystal

pictures: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/q72/s720x720/534303_578357808890144_845581887_n.jpg





date of birth: 17/10/1999

trivia: (optional. but max is 5. again, your own, please...)

contacts: Fb-->Aye Chan Thwe, gmail--> [email protected]

↷ Glad I survived... /shots/

comments: (wanna say somethin' ?)

questions: (this is kinda new, so ask!)

special requests: (any requests?)

password: (no hints on this!)