9Queens♕ >> The Charismatic Leader >> June






Are you ready ?


Name : Seo Jung Yeon

Nick names: None.

Stage name : June

Birthdate : 1990 June 26th

Age :  23

Ethnicity : Korean

Bloodtype : A

Birthplace : Daegu, South Korea

Hometown : Daegu, South Korea

Languages : Korean (native), Japanese and Chinese (conversational)

Personality :

Jungyeon is like an energy pill. She's hyperactive and hardly ever angry; it's pretty hard to piss her off. She's honest, but her criticism isn't cruel; it's constructive and helps her members improve. Jungyeon is a bit like the group's dad. She's a tomboy and speaks roughly, but she's always caring and well-meaning. That's what makes her a good leader. Jungyeon's also very extroverted and likeable. She's always the first one to make the moves when she wants to make a new friend, and hence has a lot of friends. Rapping is her passion, and that shows; she loves to rap and to compose. She works on it all the time, but she also knows when to take breaks.

However, Jungyeon is kind of a space-case. She's often off in her own little world, daydreaming about things. She's also very forgetful; it's not uncommon for her to leave her phone at home or to forget schedules. Because Jungyeon is so honest, if she doesn't like you she'll be very rude. She has no problems picking her enemies apart flaw by flaw. If she doesn't like doing something - a dance routine for example - she won't work hard on it, and that's a problem. Jungyeon's not a very good listener, either. The members don't go to her for advice because she'll just talk at them instead of listening to their problems.

Background :

Seo Jungyeon was born and raised in Daegu, South Korea with her older brother of five years, Seo Minwoo, and her parents. Growing up she had a pretty good life. She and her older brother were born performers; they'd constantly put on shows for their parents of rapping and singing, and they weren't very bad shows. Her life was normal until she turned 17 and auditioned for TS Entertainment. (Her brother, meanwhile, was an actor and ulzzang training under TOP Media.)

Jungyeon lived her trainee life to the fullest and worked very hard to debut. She did pick up a rival along the way - more on that later - but she focused on training herself to be the best she could be. 

Now, since she's debuting in 9Queens, she's working even harder to become a good leader for the girls. She still keeps practicing - and she keeps in contact with her rival for sure - but she's working on making 9Queens a well known, popular, and famous girl group more than anything else.




Lets Get y !


Idol Name : Jia

Links / Tumblr  : I Don't Need a Man

Back-up Idol Name : Nicole

Links / Tumblr : Pandora

Height : 173 cm

Weight : 51 kg

Style : Jungyeon is a tomboy. She never wears dresses - skirts maybe , but never dresses - unless she has to, and she usual rebels even then. Jungyeon wears a lot of snapbacks, and loves bold Japanese fashion. Snapbacks: 1 2 3 4 5; Clothes: 1 2 3 4 5



I'mSoBadBa d!


Family :

Seo Jungseok | 60 | Dad | Baker

Park Minji | 59 | Mom | Baker, Accountant

Seo Minwoo | 28 | Brother| 100%'s Leader and Vocalist


??? | 9Queens - 2nd Main Rapper, Co-leader, Vocalist | ???

Friends :

Choi Jungri | 24 | Makeup Artist

Jo Jonghwan | 20 | 100%

Kasey Lee-Choi | 23 | Trainee

Park Misung | 20 | Hairstylist

Rivals : 

Eunjung | T-ara | 24 | Kind to her friends, icy and y to her enemies. | They met when Jungyeon was a trainee and when Eunjung had recently debuted. They simply didn't hit it off - and by that, I mean that Eunjung couldn't handle Jungyeon's honesty.



My Baby !



Lovers Name : Kim Jonghyun

Age :  23

Group : SHINee

Relationship : Frenemies

How long have you been together : [ If dating]

How you treat eachother : Because of Jonghyun's sometimes dumb, hyperactive, cute and annoying personality, Jungyeon and Jonghyun bounce off of each other and often argue when they're in private. They avoid each other in public - SM doesn't want another Shin Sekyung on their hands. On camera they team up for events, and then end up arguing. It's clear they care for each other though.






Back-up lovers Name : Bora

Age :  23

Group: Sistar

Relationship : Best friends that end up falling in love.

How long have you been together : [If dating]

How you treat eachother : In private they're so affectionate with each other it's almost sickening - they care for each other tons, is all. In public they're just seen as idols that are friends. On camera they always talk to each other and team up for things.








  • Freestyle rapping
  • Reading
  • Practicing
  • Ballet - she doesn't do it but she admires it.
  • Dinosaurs *coughjonghyuncough*

Dislikes :

  • Thunderstorms, she's terrified of them.
  • Bad music
  • Video Games. She always ends up playing for too long.
  • People hating on 9Queens
  • Zombies

Hobbies : Freestyle rapping and composing.

Habits : Puffs out her cheeks when she's nervous.

Weakness : She's a really okay singer.

Trivia :

  • Appeared in K.will's Love Blossom and Please Don't videos.
  • HUGE fan of Geeks. Louie especially.
  • Has a lot of 100% merchandise.
  • Often takes way too long in the shower.
  • Knows how to take care of sick people, because her mother taught her.
  • Hates being second-guessed by other people.
  • LOVES doing guy group dances.
  • Ideal type is Lunafly's Sam.
  • Has awesome stage presence.
  • Terrified of lightning and thunder.



HeLoveTheWay I RideIt!


Persona : The Charismatic Leader

Position : Leader, Main Rapper, Vocalist

Back-up Position : 2nd Main Rapper, Co-Leader, Vocalist

Personal fanclub name & color : Junebugs in Green


Trainee Life : Jungyeon trained as she practices now: hard. She tried not to let her rivalry with Eunjung get to her. Instead she just focused on rapping and the posibility of debuting.

Trainne Years : 6 years



DamnSheAy ~


comments : Nah~

request :

  • 9Queens going up to the dorm's roof one night and wishing to be successful.
  • Jonghyun and Jungyeon kissing during an arguement randomly, then continuing to argue.

suggestions : None~

password: Lasagna hair Jonghyun was the best Jonghyun







Thanks For Applying ! - Love  Danielle , L & Hannie !



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