Why I should run away from my computer right now:

I've had a bad day.

I work at a callcenter, meaning that I sit by the computer for eight hours straight. Just that itself isn't that bad, but..!


I had waaaaay too little sleep tonight. This caused me to lay in bed for too long, which mean I didn't exactly eat a lot for breakfast. Just some porridge I brought with me on the bus.

And the company I pick up phones for.. their customers JUST got their bills. Which means A LOT OF CALLS.

Usually we lose maximum 4 calls until 4pm. Today it was amost 140 calls that we lost.


Do you know what this means?

1) I didn't have ANY break (I didn't feel that I had the right to, even though we have a right to get five minutes every hour), except those three minutes I went to the bathroom.

2) I forgot to go to lunch because I was so stressed out. So not to make the others wait for me until I finished lunch, I changed my lunch time until 13:30. Two minutes before, I got a call for TECHNICAL help. Ugh. Those calls take so long! I was supposed to get a call where they questioned their bills! They only take a couple of minutes! So I didn't go to lunch until the time was 2pm (the hottest time of the day! Woohoo!)

I usually am too lazy to bring lunch from home, but today, I did for some reason. Well, I'm thankful for that. BECAUSE THE CANTEEN WAS CLOSED BY THE TIME I GOT THERE ;-;

And now I'm home. Still at the computer. I should leave. My head is a mess. I am hungry. I have barely eaten today. it is 8pm, and I haven't eaten since lunch at work.


Gah. I can't wait until I start school again. Wooh! Economics! Math is fun.


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Woaaa it seems that you've gone through a tough day.
Everything will be better, just rest and be healthy! :D