Nothing's Over! I'll Keep Going! ^^

I'm suddenly beginning to get so annoyed with school. I know it's hard. And I know these grades are going to reflect on me forever. But you don't have to keep on rubbing it in our faces, that's only bringing us down ;A; We want to have a social life too you know. But we have to push that away for 2 years for our studies and I understand. 

Today, I applied to go to a place for Work Experience happening after the New Year. It's 2 weeks. I forgotten that I already had the 2nd week sorted and I only needed the 1st week. This was going to clash, so I went to the teacher who was in charge of this to change it. Stephie went with me, but she was told to come to lesson, bless. XD 

So I approach the teacher and explain to her I've done something wrong. She goes into her office and finds the slips of applications and finds mine. She takes it out and slams it onto the desk right in front of my face and asks me, "Right, so tell me how was I supposed to know that?" and gives me, "I'll chop your balls even though you don't have any" look. 

All I can answer with is, "Oh... I'll sort it out. I'll phone them and tell them I won't be able to do so." and she starts getting ready to give me a lecture. First of all, she asks, "What do you really want to do?" and I told her, "Retail shop or working in a hotel." (Because those options were in the list) And she suddenly starts saying, "The thing is, Stephanie, it's very hard to find to find places like these, very hard. Mainly because they have a fear of the teenagers stealing things. And many teenagers from other schools will do that, but not our school. Our school is much better than many but you will still be discriminated because you're still young." 

I hate you saying our school is the best. Because it's full of noisy s and big-headed teachers if you ask me. Also, don't say my name like that. Because when you say it in that tone, it's almost as if you mock me as a human being who makes mistakes.

And you know what? You're right. I was wrong in this situation. But you know what pisses me off the most? You think you know us kids. You really think you do. You think we work hard and we will get a good future, even if we have the crappiest jobs which will make us miserable. But you don't. You don't know that we stress just as much as you do, and realistically, we're more pressured than any of you. Because you've done your studies and you're proud to be where you are. But do you ever wonder about us? Obviously not. This is a society where no one cares about any one. No one at all. We're all alone in this world. We cry too. We get angry. We think we'll get no where because you treat us as if we'll have to get 93485328 A*'s. 

And this isn't the first time I've encountered this from teachers. So many teachers like you are intimidating. But other teachers are so nice I want to stay there. But the things you said to me today, made me almost want to cry my heart out. You told me, "Don't be so downhearted, I don't like seeing this." but you made me downhearted! The way you just slammed that sheet that had my application in my face and asked me a question without any conscience. You think I was thinking straight when making those decisions? If I had all the time to freaking rant to you, I would tell you I had a drum lesson and product design coursework to worry about at the same time! 

You told me to keep the letter and think about it, but right now I want to rip it up and throw it away because you've hurt my feelings completely and I barely know who the hell you are. I don't care anymore. For the 1st week, I'm going to my uncle's shop to eat pizza and procrastinate. Because he's awesome like that. <33 ^^; I'll just forget you even offered me this placement. I'm rejecting it completely. 



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VioletButterflyDemon #1
I totally get you...teachers are meant to be there to support you and motivate you but some teachers make your life 10x worse! Why would you go into teaching if you find dealing with students annoying! But teachers like that are my drive...since I want to prove them wrong and push myself...don't worry these two years will fly by! Fighting! <3
WATER LILEH.OUR SCHOOL IS BEING CRUEL CHANGING INTO A GRAMMAR SCHOOL. THEY WANT TO DESTROY OUR ENGRISH. XD! DT IS A CORE SUBJECT TOO. Seriously?! PRODUCT DESIGN IS RUINING MY LIFE. >.< We actually need to get used to it, I agree with you there. We had teachers that let us off too easily XD Aigoo, the school is just... ajaskldjkalsfjalsjfds;lfks;
DUDE its because our school is <i>trying to be</i> a grammar school. I wish i went to a simple one, that of course still did good courses, but didn't suddenly strike us with the tests. Sure they built us up to it and stuff, but in KS3, i really think that they should've tried it out a bit more on us so that we're more used to it. I mean our form is like BEHIND since Yr7 because we had awesome form tutors that let us breath air once in a while.