❦Pandemonium ♡ 복마전 ♡ Application❦

username | Miko95 Mangoes
profile link | http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/54360
name | Ayame Miiyoko

character info ; ♥

full name | Lee Cheng Xing
nicknames | Xing,Ahjussi Qing.
preferred name | Lee Da Qing
age |  16
birthdate | 29, April 1995
blood type | O
height |  180 cm
weight |  63kg
birthplace | Pudong District
hometown | Bangkok
ethnicity | Chinese
spoken languages | English,Japanese,Hokkien,Mandarin,

appearance info ; ♥

appearance | http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/4508/channie02.jpg // http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l7storUnyM1qdv5alo1_400.jpg // http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs631.snc4/59089_1379478056596_1521250444_30840886_6425571_n.jpg // http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpw53uAdfo1qlf4yao1_500.jpg
ulzzang name | Song Chan Ho
piercings | 3 pairs each ears.
tattoos | none

personal info ; ♥

personality | Xing is a cheeky and calm boy. But he has an ahjussi in him. Everytime he raise his hand, a cracking sound came from his back. And smells like an ahjussi. He is sensitive when people says hes an ahjussi. He has the calm and relaxing aura around him, but still he has hes naughty side by doing pranks. Hes also a funny joker, some people tells him to be a comedian. He loves music, so much. if anyone turns volume down he'll be a vampire. He is a hard worker despite his playful looks. He'll practice for 24 hours if he wants, he'll do it until he gets it right. He's abit strict to himself. He has a big crush o Nana of Orange Caramel.
likes | Cats,Orange Caramel,SNSD,Animals,photography.
dislikes |Busy body, people turns off the song when hes listening, thunderstorm,being nervous,be callled an ahjussi.
hobbies |Photograph,Dances,Drums,Write lyrics,Swimming.
habits | Bites nails when thinking, flares his nose when angry.
trivia | He learns and memorizes every dances of Orange Caramel and some of AS,
Has a female mini poodle named, Tian(means sweet).

background info ; ♥

background  | Xing was born into a middle wealth family who owns 3 restaurants in China and Bangkok. He has three sisters, he is the second youngest and only son. When he was in middle school, he has passion for dancing hip hop and singing,rapping.He entered many competetion with his group but only won once. After he enters high school, his parents were supportive of his entering music school. But with a condition, he'll take over the business after his music career. Sophomore high school, he was a back up dancers for many chinese idols. He was also dubbed the chinese ulzzang, for his innocene and cute looks. He also modelled for online clothes twice. He took a month break to continue his study. When his study was done, he felt like going to the karaoke and that was when he was discovered there by an agent while he was karaokeing alone. His father opposed at first but with the help of his mother and siblings they convinced his father that he was ready.

relations info ; ♥

parents  | Lee Quang Bo(father/46), Wu JinJing(44)
siblings | Younger Sister, Lee Jia(15). Older sisters(twins)Lee Mei Hui(19) & Lee Mei Li(19).
other relations | Uncle, Lee Bo Qiu(40). Grandma, Cheng Ming Xia(73)

relationship info ; ♥

love interest | Noori of CoED-School
are you already dating | not yet. but make him fall in love with him at first sight.
first impression | He was good looking and really great rapper. He thinks that he was the coolest guy, and he makes him forget about his image and everything.
how did you meet? | Broadcast live show.
friends | Jang HwanJun, first korean friend. Also classmate, close like best friends. He is a korean transfer student.
rivals | none

stage info ; ♥

stage name | Daniel AKA Da-Qing(the King)
individual fanclub name | 4Niel (for Daniel or 4ever Daniel)
individual fanclub colour | Red and White
position  | Lead Rapper, Visual or Lead Dancer.
side jobs |Modelling,Acting.


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