Teen Top Upcoming Comeback

To whoever that is reading this,

I would like to say is 

quote from my comment on allkpop


I just want to say that people shouldn't judge music based on the artist's look. Andromeda's support Teen Top because of their great music and personalities. I personally think that they produce great music and that we should support them. I think that Teen Top is going to lose fans because they (fans) just don't like the teaser photo.


To expand on a comment i just would like to say is that people have said this that is You can't judge a book by its cover I firmly believe this. Teen Top makes amazing music and just because their comeback teaser photo is weird you can say that the music will be. Look at what happened to SHINee's Lucifer, when the teaser came out everyone was like wth? but now we can all see that it is an amazing song. 
I also know that out there in our population of 6 million there are fans that only determine music by looks.
I'm just sad that some fans out there that dis Teen Top just because their teaser photo was weird when we clearly know that their talented from their debut song 'Clap'.
Thats the end of my rant.


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