Heyyy~ Guys! :D Help?

Hey guys~ Sorry to bother you but I need some advice. Iv'e been working on 'Idoit's Caretaker' For a while...But Iv'e been thinking about catching up on my other stories. Alot of people are asking me to update 'Bloody Life'. But I want to know your guys opinion. I want to know what story you guys want me to update :D


                       1 idoits care taker? Iv'e been working on it, but If you want me to stop working on it for now, I will. So, If you want me to continue this, type in the name of the story :D please? 


                             2 Bloody Life? I haven't worked on it in a while and I'm sorry. XD I'll work on it soon. If you want me to continue with this, type in the name of it. purdy please :D

                            3 Angel's in disguise? I haven't started it yet, but I promise to work as hard in this one, just like the other ones. It'd be greatly appreciated if you checked it out for me. :3 If you want me to do this one, just type in the name. :D



                          Thanks for your help guys :D It means alot, I promise I'll try harder. I wish you guys luck, to :DD 



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Bloody Life! *Q*