fic theme.

I want to write fic that is more disturbing than 'over the barrel' I wrote for monkey-traps@LJ. But I'm afraid I'll over doing it. I mean, there will be no more than .

What do you think?


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You write whatever you want to write. You are already thinking it, so why not write it down? ;D
If you are that afraid then you can just refrain from publishing it, I mean, writing is for enjoyment ^^;;
wow, could you give me the link of "Over the Barrel"?
i want to read that ^^
but, if you want to write why should bother about the others though??
as for me, i would appreciate for all of your fic.
just write it, dear ^^
brattygurl #3
I don't think I've read "Over the Barrel" but now I want to check it out. With that said, I can't comment on how disturbing this new story may be compared to Over the Barrel, but who cares if it is or isn't, if you want to write it then do it!