My Reasons

you've honestly never know the reason i like kpop and get possesive over Taemin until i explain.

See im not the happy child you would expect. Im practically ing abused at home.My granny was the only person who wul dunderstand me and cared for me, but when my granny died i was put into an adoption place that holds so many bad memories. I was abused and worked and starved. Wehn i got adoptwd i was practically anorexic. I was until 7th grade. two years ago. and im a diabetic which doesnt help. But when my new granny met me she raised me, and i was happy until she died. i was in a hole. and i couldnt get out. I found kpop. and Taemin. it was the greatest thing ever. I wasnt alone anymore, and shinee was always there. 

I get bullied at school bevause of mylove for kpop. I dont care and would die for them



please excuse any mistakles. i left out gorry details and im crying while writing this...


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justnormalme #1
Really??? Your so strong then. I would give up but you dear did not. Trust me, people make fun of me for liking "chinese music" but idgaf about those people. They wont understand. Just keep on going and ignore them.
you're a really strong person. i get bullied too for liking kpop. but anyways, i can't imagine what that would be like, but you're a really strong and amazing person for being able to get through that. stay strong and keep your head high. that's honestly really inspiring that you can get through that and not give up. never give up <3