↳ miss cafe ↴ Waitress ↻ Yoon Miyoung

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●●● identicated card

Name : Yoon Miyoung

Age : 20 years old (Korean Age)

Nickname :

  • Mimi/Youngie | called by her friends and co-employees | it's a shortened version of her name
  • Sunshine | called by her co-employees | they call her that when she's too happy and hyper
  • Pixie | called by Lee Taemin (or Kai) | it's his way to because of her short height. In return she calls him "Mushie" because of his mushroom-like hair when he was young. (for Kai, she calls him "Brownie" because of his skin tone) 

Birth Date : July 18, 1993 (You can change it to 1992 if they need to be 20 internationally and this actually depends on the love interest since they will have the same birthday. So if Kai is the love interest her birthday is on January 14.)

Birth Place : Seoul, South Korea

HomeTown : Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity/Race : Korean

Language :

  • Korean | Native
  • English | Fluent | she grew up in New York

Blood Type : Type A

●●● the appearance.

FaceClaim : Park Hye Min / Pony

Back-up FaceClaim : Kim Seuk Hye / Joo

Extra :

  • She has a scar on her right chest, near her heart. It's where the glass pierced her during the car accident. It now reminds her about her family.
  • She always wears a ring which what her mother was wearing during the accident. It was given to her after she regained consciousness. It's her most treasured possession.
  • She also wears a necklace which is given by her oppa during her 15th birthday. It also symbolizes her dream to be a performer. She holds into this in reaching her dreams. 

Height : 157 cm

Weight : 47 kg

●●● for your information.

Likes :

  • Smiling and laughing
  • Music
  • Fashion
  • Sweets (specially ice cream)
  • Amusement Parks
  • Children
  • Taking candid photos of her friends showing how happy they are
  • Skinship. it makes her feel closer to that person
  • Galaxy-designed stuffs

Dislikes :

  • ​Cooking and doing household chores since she doesn't have any idea about them at all.
  • Horror and gore movies and someone scaring her since she easily gets frigthened and paranoid.
  • Seeing people who are sad and miserable especially when they are crying since she herself can't be truly happy when seeing them. She can somewhat remember her old self when her family died.
  • People disturbing her beauty sleep. She doesn't want to be forced to wake up because of a non-sense reason.
  • People who backstabs their friends
  • Giving her silent treatments when someone is mad
  • People who hurt her loved ones
  • People seeing her blushing and teasing her about it, she completely denies it
  • People not telling her what they are whispering or talking about. When they are keeping secrets, she dies in curiosity.

Habits :

  • Biting her lower lip when nervous or worried
  • Hiding her problems and pains behind her smile and laugh
  • Her eyes keep on moving around and she can't look at the person's eyes when she's lying
  • She claps her hand and even hit the person beside her when she's laughing so hard
  • Always saying "Rise and Shine!" when waking up her friends and greeting her co-employees with a loud and energetic "Good Morning!" everytime she arrives at the cafe.

Hobbies :

  • Performing
  • Practicing (singing and dancing)
  • Shopping
  • Composing (usually at night in her bedroom before she sleeps)
  • Hanging out with her friends

Fears/Phobias :

  • Cars | She can't ride a car because she remembers the accident. She rides a bicycle, motorcycle or take the public transport (except taxi since it's still a car) instead when going somewhere.
  • Frogs | She gets a sick feeling in the stomach everytime she sees one. She also thinks that they might jump on he anytime
  • Darkness | She easily gets paranoid in dark places
  • Blood | She doesn't really throw up when seeing one. She just gets uneasy when seeing way too much.
  • Seeing her loved ones die in front of her | She experienced it once, she doesn't want to see that again.

Talents in Music :

  • Singing
  • Composing
  • Playing the piano
  • Playing the guitar

Trivia :

  • Her parents and oppa died during her birthday. It was when they are driving back home after celebrating her 15th birthday when a truck suddenly hit their car. Her parents died right away since they sat in the front seat and received most of the impact from the crash. Her oppa received most of the injuries for Miyoung since he protected her from the damage she might received. Her brother was still alive when they reached the hospital but he still died due to too much blood loss. On the other hand, Miyoung only suffered from wounds, scratches and bruises. On that day she thought that she should have died with her family.
  • Miyoung was supposed to be staying at her auntie in Korea since she's the only relative she has left. But her aunt and her mother doesn't have a very good relationship (their parents always liked her mother more). That's why her auntie immediately sent her to the orphanage. Her auntie said she doesn't care about anything related to her younger sister.
  • "Always smile", that's what her oppa always say to her. That's why after mourning with her parents death, she promised to herself that she'll always smile and be happy despite the problems she has. She knew that her brother will be happy that way. That's the least she could do to repay him after saving her life.
  • Her birthday is the same with Lee Taemin (or Kai). Only that he is 3 hours older than her. That's why he keeps on insisting that she should still call him "oppa" even though Miyoung doesn't want to because she can't see the point of calling him that when they have the same birthday and age.
  • Miyoung suggested once that the employees of the cafe should sing in the cafe since it's their dream to become a performer and it will also bring smiles to the customers.
  • Smallest among them all (so feel free to adjust her height if it doesn't make her the smallest)
  • She teaches children how to sing,dance, and act on a nearby workshop/studio/school (i don't really know what it's called)
  • One of the oldest but acts like one of the youngest.
  • She has a pink polaroid, which she uses in taking photos of her memories especially with her friends and her trips w/ Taemin. She places the pictures on one side of her bedroom wall and creates a collage.
  • Miyoung and Taemin always go on trips on their day offs. The trips are not always that far, they just go out and have fun together. It's like a date, maybe? =))

After the Sequel :

  • Debut as an idol, member of a girl group
  • Appear on different CFs (her first would be Binggrae Banana Milk CF w/ Taemin, if possible)
  • Become an actress and casted as the leading lady in a drama
  • Appear in different variety shows
  • A collaboration with another idol (w/ love interest, if possible)


●●● just added me.

Twitter account : @sMIle.2b.YOUNG

Other website account : Instagram - @sMIle.2b.YOUNG


●●● your choice.

Plotline : Happy Virus

2nd Plotline : Immature Maknae

Position : Waitress

School's Major : University - Performing Arts (Singing, Dancing & Acting)

Talk voice : Jung Krystal | f(x)

Vocal/Sing : Ailee 

Rap : Amber | f(x)

Dance : Hyoyeon | SNSD


●●● first love, first crush.

Love Interest : Lee Taemin | 20 | SHINee

Have both of you met before? : They go to the same school and they both major in Performing Arts. They aren't really that close but they occasionally talk (like greeting each other and random conversations which are short). One day, their schedule on using the studio for their practice accidentally overlapped. They decided to just use it together since they will do the same performance anyway. They danced and sang together even though it was bit awkward at first since they don't know each other that much except for their names. After that they somewhat gotten close and found out more about themselves. The next day Miyoung was shock to see him as a new waiter at their cafe. They were both glad to see each other again and became close friends as day passed by. They also ended up deciding that they should start practicing together since it's more fun that way. 

How did you guise interact? : At first they are a bit awkward and shy but they immediately clicked. They both have many similarities so they understand each other the most. When you hear someone laughing hysterically inside the cafe, most likely it's  the two of them. They are probably the loudest, most playful and happiest among the employees. Taemin always helped Miyoung around especially when serving the costumers since she's a bit clumsy. They are always together as well. They go to the school, practice and go home together. Okay, they do almost everything together. Most of their co-employees say that they are really sweet and adorable together which makes them entertaining to watch but for them, they are just acting naturally towards each other. People especially the costumers always mistaken them as a couple and keeps on saying that they should date but they keep on saying that they are just close friends.

Plotline : Holiday Addicted


Back-up Love Interest : Kim "Kai" Jongin | 20 | EXO

Have both of you met before? : Same as Taemin

How did you guise interact? : Same as Taemin

Plotline : Holiday Addicted

Wants a Love Triangle? : Yes, if it's possible can he be a regular costumer in their cafe.


●●● the goodbyes to our past.

Comments : Well, this applyfic is very interesting! So, hwaithing, author-nim! I'll look forward for the story. And sorry if my app was too long and if you find any confusing things about it or any mistakes, just PM me.

Questions : Do they live together? I mean, the girls ran away, right?

Suggestions : A Girl In Love by Sistar19. This song really gives off the feeling of love, for me at least. It's very sweet and cute.

Scene Requests : Since you allowed me to be crazy...

  • Taemin is the only one who'll see the fragile and lonely side of Miyoung. He'll see her cry and not smiling anymore. He's the only one who Miyoung allows to know her problems.
  • Taemin suddenly pulling her out the cafe during their work when he noticed that Miyoung is so different and very depressed (although their co-employees doesn't noticed it since she keeps on smiling but Taemin knew it was just a mask) and brought her to an amusement park to cheer her up.
  • Taemin getting jealous over the love triangle. And he denies it even though it was painfully obvious already
  • Miyoung and Taemin pretending to be a couple so that they could get another free ice cream since the store is offering a free ice cream for couples during their opening. Taemin is the one who planned this since he knows how much Miyoung loves ice cream.
  • Miyoung lost her ring in the university's quadrangle so she keeps on searching it and doesn't stop even though it started to rain. Taemin knew it will happen so he rushed towards the university and forced her to go home by carrying her over his shoulder. After sending her home, Taemin went back to the university to look for it despite the heavy downpour since he knew how important it is for her.
  • Taemin got sick after looking for Miyoung's ring. She found out about it so she visited him (she also scolded him for doing those things) Suddenly Taemin gave her the ring. Miyoung didn't know that he got sick because he was the one who looked for it instead. She was touched by it so she decided to take care of him even though it was a major fail since she doesn't know anything about it.

Password : Kim Myungsoo << Yep, he's my current bias-wrecker.





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