Teddy Application

Name:Crystal Matsua
Age: 17
Photo: Kim ShinYeong: http://yeahuhljjang.tumblr.com/post/11935309896 http://yeahuhljjang.tumblr.com/post/642207683

Personality:can be caring, hyper,  random, Happy go lucky, and serious, when needed or when it comes to dancing or performing. i can be a bit childish. i tend get scared easily when it comes to meeting new people, but that because i don't trust easily. you has to earn my trust, before I show you my fun, dorky, random, childish side. so only my friends know the real me. i'm a hard worker, who tries her best not to let anyone down, so i think of someone else before. I actually think of myself least because i don't want to hurt anyone. In early mornings my personality takes 180 flip. I become more serious with everything and i become more cold. I don't act as mindful, so i tend to keep my mouth close more. I become more realistic and negative, until i wake up fully. I usually throw more fits about things. my personality changes when i'm with a boy i like (cough cough Niel cough cough), i become more shy and more clusmy, i tend to get jealous more too. one things that changes is how i think about things, like i won't get as upset with him. i become more carefree

Position: Main Dancer, Vocal, Sub Rapper (for back up plan)
Why do you want to be apart of the SM family?: I mean who doesn't but, i love how they treat each other as family, and joke around, but they work extremely hard.
Persona: The Hyper Artic fox(Snow Fox) (http://www.outthereimages.com/images/Arctic_Fox.jpg)

History: I  was born in america to my korean-american mother and my Japanese father, also my half brother Yuya. I growed up in my brother's shadow, as he a raising Jpop star, more like a world star, even though my parents rasied me as my own individual, i just grew insercure, but i broke that when i found out i was a dancer, and i felt i found myself, so i practice more, and learn new styles. My family supported my dancing  actually my brother let me dance with him on stage. soon my parent put me in to advance talent school in japan, and I became more flexible, and i started to sing, so my mom told me that we should go to korea, with that we ended up in seoul south korea, and i became a singer and dancer in my school, soon my brother told me about entertainment companies, so we i saw how SM. Ent acted with each other i loved the family feel, but they would work as hard as i would, so i trained really hard before aduitioning 

Who do you like from SuJu/ShineeTaemin
Who is Your Crush:Infinite's Hoya 
Anyone you have your Eye's set on; Ahn Niel(Daniel) TeenTop
Singing Linkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo6qi0bRV08
Dancing Link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FxQmCKpiKI&feature=related
Rapping linkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMWSIrzs)

Stage Name: Yuki meaning Snow in japanese 
Fan club  Name:Fuyu's Angels  meaning Winter Angels in japanese  
Fan club color:Light grey represnting the snow


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Ivy-Girl #1
thank you may you set this as private know ^^