• Am I Pretty? •





There once was a mother who had a cute 5-year old daughter named Ji-Yoon. Ji-Yoon had an interesting habit of constantly asking her mother if she was pretty. And although the mother grew weary of the same question, she answered her daughter with a reply of, “Of course, honey, you’re pretty." 

One day, the mother and JiYoon went on a walk by the bridge near the river. JiYoon, while staring into the river, asked yet the same question, “Mommy, am I pretty?" The mother was so fed up and annoyed with this question, she pushed her own daughter into the river, which fatally killed JiYoon. Realizing what she had done, the mother instantaneously regretted. 

The mother, few years later, had another child, whom she called Ji-Eun, to commemorate her former daughter. Ji-Eun also had a strange habit of asking her mother whether she was pretty. Because the mother did not want to make the same mistake again, she remained patient and answered with, “Of course, honey, you’re pretty." 

One day, the mother and Ji-Eun went on a walk in the forest. Ji-Eun stopped and asked her mother the same question she had always asked, “Mommy, am I pretty?" 

"Of course, honey, you’re very pretty." 

"But mommy, why did you push me into the river if you thought I was pretty?" 






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