Getting personal - a message to subbers, readers, friends, strangers

To subbers, readers, non-subbers.

I'm sorry you had to wait forever to see an update from me

I admit I'm a sloth and am terrible when it comes to updating

I was busy taking care of my mother since she was sick.

But now she's getting better and my family had been reeling on me to get a job

so whenever I come online its just an escape

I tried to update my WonBer and HenJulBer and especially JiSica

But I got writer's block and it's really hard to shake it off and I sounded like a complete drag when I wrote an update so I just trashed it away

But please bear with me.. and thank you for the reminders and pressure I KNOW I need them to help me write

but don't call me selfish please ;_;

I'm trying.. Not a day goes by without me thinking about updating. But Im a bad writer so I need time to really come up with an inspiration so yall wont get bored of my stories.

That's all I have to say. I'm stupid and greedy for writing all these stories but I promised to update them (unless im dead harhar)

don't give up on me.

or if you must give up on me, tell me nicely, dont call me selfish *heartbreaks*


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How is ur mom condition? I hope she is getting well soon. Son give up and feel down , I believe that everything gonna be ok, I know u r a strong girl hwaiting ^^
no, you're not selfish. i agree with racheose 'there are more important things than fic'
I hope your mom would continue to recover well, good luck and don't let those things get to you... there are more important things than fics ^^