Recommended Books?

      Every young adult book I see on the book shelves has became pure trash. It's always the same plot but just with different names. Twighlight is just poop on paper. So is there any books that you are a die hard fan of? And yes I see books with some decent plot but I want to read books that aren't so shallow.

P.s I love The Lord of the rings.


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I have this problem a lot too! And gosh, I love the Lord of the Rings as well! Just Tolkien in general tbh, I'm reading the Silmarillion atm.
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell, The Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness and the Gone Series by Michael Grant are books I'd recommend to everyone. If you like sci-fi check out I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore. If you like mythology try The Alchemyst by Michael Scott. And if you like sort of medieval-type fantasy you should check out the A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R R Martin. Hope that helped!
The hunger games? Guys I bought all three book and read it three time. It actually not that good. It's because of the hype about the new movie and what not that make it appear good. The movie was nothing compared to the books
You've probably heard of The Hunger Games...
How about Pretty Little Devils by Nancy Holder
-The Best Night of Your (Pathetic) Life by Tara Altebrando
-Bad Girls Don't Die
-The Chemical Garden Trilogy
-Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
-Sweethearts by Sara Zarr
-Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin

These are just at the top of my head >.< and trust me, they're not overly cliche.
ow and A Song of Ice and Fire ( is a series of epic fantasy novels )
Hunger Games, warm bodies, King Arthur Books...,
Metro 2033 - (
The once and future king (Terence Hanbury White)
The Thorn Birds..
Mostly the books from Nalini Singh, Lara Adrian (the write quite mature books though), the books from Brent Weeks and Trudi Canavan are my all time favorites. And I think you should chek out The Mortal Instruments if you haven't read them yet.
More books I recommend are The Name of the Wind, the Percy Jackson books and the Eragon books (if you haven't read them yet) and the Bartimäus books from Jonathan Stroud^^
Harry Potter, Hunger Games and a few books that are written by my country's authors that I don't think are sold in other countries ^_^