Dear writers,

Summer's here, exams are gone, school is closed, so let's have some fun!

Shall we?

Here's what Kat suggests: a writing challenge! Yep, you heard that right even though you're probably sick of advertises^^' A writing challenge that will take place over the summer, a writing challenge that will test not only your writing skills, but your luck as well! There's a big, fat chance that YOU'LL be the winner! So, why not give it a try and apply with a new story, specially created for this contest?

The songs are awesome, the prompts even more! So, what say you?


s u p e r h e r o -- a writing challenge


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I really liked the little rhyme you had in the beginning.

That was cute. That was cute. <3
I at super hero stuff... But I'll try spread the word
T-T i hav so much sumer reading & projects to do T-T