My Dream About Jinki Last Night

I had a dream about Jinki last night luckily, cuz I can't control my dreams. Anyways, my family and I went out to dinner at a buffet and Jinki came along with us and he had gotten some fish that looked really delicious so asked to try it and he fed it to me off of his chopsticks, (Idk why he ate fish with chopsticks XD) but it tasted good and I asked him for more and he decided to get up and get me my own but I didn't want my own I wanted his food so I threw a tantrum and pouted at him because I wanted him to share his food with me :(


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I want this kind of dream too!
kekeke awww that is so damn cute XD
swedenlaundry #3
Yes, this reminds me of my dream when I came in my room and Jonghyun and Key had totally wrecked it so I screamed at them and chased them outside and beat them up. :D
awwwww kawaii
lol how cute ^^
Awwww i want toooooooiiii