
Can anybody tell me how you can tell your parents that you don't want to do what they're making you do? That you don't want to live a boring life-with everyday the same ing thing over and over again? And how to say to them that you don't wanna be in this ing hell hole any longer??

By hell hole in not sure if I mean country and situation or emotions and depressing mind. 

Because I really don't want to spend anymore time here (where I am) more than I have to. If I don't get an audition with YG or SM or whoever, I'm probably gonna be way more depressed. But it'll probably be worse if my parents don't let me go if I get in. 

I have at least a year I guess. If that way if getting out of here doesn't work I'll just go to college somewhere after school


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As much as you hate to admit it you will look back and think- okay that was bare able, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was at the time.
Trust me you will. My parents are overbearing, over protective, undermining and on a good day make you feel like crap.
Even if you don't get to audition; try an online audition/upload video on YouTube; practice your Korean, prove to your parents you are serious about it.
If you get accepted and they say no: stay calm explain its your life not theirs, this is what you want: and it's not their choice to make. But be nice! Everybody needs their parents at some stage!
Just spend every moment with them while they are alive. We have our lives ahead of us. Just finish your studies first. I felt the same way years ago that is why I had that blog post about breaking my life's monotony. Trust me that I understand coz I am doing exactly what they want me to do and I am tired already. I can't wait to finish this and move on with my life LOL