It Gets Old

  I'm getting tired of keeping a smile every time someone judges and janks on the kind of music I like, the things I enjoy watching, the hobbies I have, the way I spend my time. 


  You don't like rap? Ok cool, you don't have to frickin say the artist I like is terrible and shouldn't be making music. I really like him and his style of music. 


  You've never listened to kpop? Ok, that's cool too. You don't have to start ranting about how ty it is because you hate PSY. If you've never heard it, then shut the hell up. Because you don't realize just how deep your words cut when you talk crap about the stuff I like.


  It's very rare that I actually go into detail about this stuff because I get tired of having to defend myself and my likes because it's DIFFERENT from "normal" likes. It took me forever to get where I am, so if you have nothing nice to say, just keep your mouth hole shut. 


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There are many types of people in this world. There are ones who understand that there are people different than them and are open to new ideas. Then there are the closed minded people who keep their heads shut. You just happened to run into the second type.