TOXIC Application

AFF name: justify321

Profile Link:


Character Name: Dol Zhang Hyun

Nickname: DC

Ethnicity: Half Chinese and Half Korean

Languages:  Fluent Korean, Fluent Chinese and Fluent English.

Age: 19

Birthday: 24 Feb 1992

Height: 1.86m

Weight: 75kh

Blood Type: B

Orientation: Gay

Looks Like:

Name of Ulzzang: Shin Gwang Chul


Casual :

He Loves wearing hoodies with a tight shirt inside that shows off his body. He also wears very tight skinnies.



When training, he always wears somthing comfortable.



he likes anything that basically hugs his body and showing off his curves.



He can be a very stubborn person at times, and always helping others and never taking care of himself. He is very picky with food, and likes to keep fit most of the time, with the occasional sinful indulgence of ice cream. He is very outgoing and likes to mix with friends, but he can also be very over protective about them as well. He is always cheerful and brightens up the place with his eye smile.

Whenever he feels depressed, he starts eating ice cream. He is always meeting new friends and hanging out with them, never sticking to the same clique. He and the gym cannot be apart, whenever he has free time, he will hit the gym. He also loves to show off his body and is very narcissistic.


1) Imitating other group singers

2) Is able to lift something two times his weight

3) He can win any girl with his voice

4) Multiple aegyo patterns

5) He can harmonize and do vocal aerobics to a song he just learned


1) Ice Cream

2) Music

3) Movies

4) Gym

5) Feeling loved

6) Animals

7) Cold Environment

8) Tight Clothings


1) Oily Food

2) The Dark

3) Being Lonely

4) Heights and Depths

5) Being Rejected

6) Melted Ice Cream

7) Snobbish People


1) Gymming

2) Playing Frisbee

3) Flying Kites

4) Helping at the Animal Shelter

5) Gardening

6) Swimming


1) Tends to Unconsciously Take off Shirt

2) Talking very Loudly

3) Picky with Food

4) Likes Tight Shirts

5) Looks in the mirror whenever he passes by one.


1) He dances to girl group songs whenever he is bored

2) He is a VERY FAST learner

3) He is actually quite a guy

4) He thinks that fit guys are a turn on

5) He collects vintage objects

6) He loves anything that is Baby Blue, but he doesn't look like it.

7) His voice range has 4 octaves

8) He owns a family car that is named after himself

9) He can't live without music

10) He is very very easily distracted by cute animals

11) Actually likes to hang with someone who is totally different




He is brought up in a simplistic environment, where he is taught to treasure his friends and family. He stays with both his parents, and his grandmother. He is an only child. His friends are always around him, loving and caring for him. Because of his personality and looks, he is very well known in the neighbourhood, and also very protected by the neighbours when trouble ever comes knocking. His family is a musically inclined family and encourages his singing activities. His parents were once part of a neighbourhood band when he was young, and was inspired by them ever since.


Father- Dol DongJun - Taxi Driver

Mother - Choi Da Hae - Doctor



Other things I have to know about your family?:

Mother is very over protective. Father is a care free man, but hates to be shouted at.




He was scouted by a trainer of Starship and was a trainee for a year before being transfered to YG. He has then been training for at least a year and a half before getting into the group. He is also very close to his fellow trainees from YG and Starship.

Before Audition:

He was working in his mothers clinic at the counter, just because of his looks the clinic became very famous. Nearly everyone who came in to the clinic said that he looked like an idol.

How Long were you trainee? more than 2 years

From which Entertainment are you?: YG but... Can he be from Starship?? ahha. just wondering.


Stage info

Stage name: DC

Position: Power Vocals

Persona:The Fit Vocals

Fan club name: DChargers

Fan club color: Baby Blue


Has problems with dancing but absolutly no problem singing.

His fans are called DChargers, because whenever he is on stage. He feels all charged up and energetic when the scream his name.




No Minwoo from Boyfriend

Kim Donghyun from Boyfriend

Im Yoona from SNSD


You can choose one of the members for me. :D


Go ahead and choose. HAHA.


He doesn't have one... Just because of over protective parents.


Lee KiKwang

Because he is also fit and he is a vocalist and Zhanghyun feels intimidated by him.


Do you have any wish regarding your character?:

hm... not really. Wish that You could make his life VERY romantic. HAHA >.< thanks. :D


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parkran_sung #1
Is this an actual form? LOL just wondering :)