G Minor Group Application



Full korean name : Seo EunKyung

Nickname : Kyungie

Age : 16

D.O.B. : 8th October 1995

Height : 168

Blood type : A

Birthplace : England

Hometown : London

Ethinicity/Nationality : [Higlight: Korean | Chinese ]

Languages : English, Korean, Japanese

Personality :

  • Cute, sweet and goofy

  • Always smiling, even when in pain or upset because she doesn't like people worrying about her

  • Mysterious and has a lot of scars, but works hard and smile all the time

  • Is a completely different person when singing

Likes : singing, reading, listening to music, her family, rain

Dislikes : seafood, being left out,

Habits : Abuses her lips (biting, peeling, etc)

Phobia :  blood

Hobbies : singing, playing the flute, writing lyrics

Trivias :


ThePastis a handful of Dust

Eunkyung was born in England because her father was English and in the army. She'd been raised in England all her life but when she was younger, she was quite fat and had been teased endlessly. She is an only child and had no one to lean on. Whenever she told her parents, they'd never take it seriously and they were always kind of distant from her, even though they cared a lot about her. Every night she cried silently by herself. They eventually moved away but since her father was in the army, they decided to place her in boarding school so she wouldn't have to move schools every time they move. She became happier, but there ere scars that were still unhealed, she started smiling a lot, even when it wasn't sincere, even when she was sad or hurt she'd smile because she felt like a burden to everybody and she didn't want them to worry. She got absorbed in reading, writing and music. Whenever she read, sang or played music she felt as if she'd gotten transferred to another place and always felt so happy. It was her only source of happiness,

She's not very fashionable, but she's pretty and has a nice body after slimming down while at boarding school. She doesn't care what others say about her anymore since she's used to it all.

When she was 14 she decided to go on a Korean Exchange and there she learnt her home language again and how to write in hangul. She loved singing so much and she decided to audition for sm entertainment, even though she thought she wouldn't be able to make it, she wanted to give it a try.



The  It  Girl


Idol  name: Na eun (apink)

Pictures : | x | x | x |

Back-up idol name: Bomi (apink)

Pictures : | x | x | x |

Styles : 

>Inside the dorm: |x|x|

>Outside the dorm: |xx|

>Sleeping: |x| x|



Whoz That Girl?

Enemy - Minah

Why? - She called her overweight and is always being mean to her when they meet

When did you meet? - backstage after Eunkyung's debut


Dear  My  Family


Parents: Father: Henry Martin. 40

He's handsome and tries to be a good father but since he's in the army, he can't spend much time with his children. He is really distant from Eunkyung and they're awkward around each other but they're trying to become closer when they can.


Mother: Seo Nara 32

She's pretty and looks young for her age. She and Eunkyung are especially close, even though they weren't when she was yonger, she is Eunkyung's main support.

Best friends (2) : (Ji Eun/ Lee Eun Jin| 16| best friend/ fun, bubbly, caring| they're extremely close, Eun Jin always tries to make Eunkyung open up to her so she can help with her problems.


Romantic Love

Love Interest and Group – Zelo (B.A.P)

Age & D.O.B – October 15th 1996

How did you meet? - He helped when he saw Minah being mean to Eunkyung backstage. They became friends then slowy started dating.

Personality and Relationship – Zelo is flirty ad sweet at the same time, He always cares about Eunkyung, if she ate enough is she slept enough, and he is especially curious about her past and want her to know she can trust him completely. Eunkyung sometimes doesn't like it since she wants to keep herself to herself, especially when her best friend wants to know too. Zelo becomes shy when they're in front of other people and tries to restrain himself, but when they're alone he is always doing lots of skinship to her and being cheesy and bold.



(your admirer) Who is the guy and from what group?: Sehun (EXO)

Age and D.O.B: April 12th 1994

Personality: Sweet and filled with aegyo

Relationship : Friends, but he has a crush on her

How did you meet him? : When she was a trainee, he saw he in a practice room and fell for her voice and hard working nature.




What's your position : Main Vocalist 1, visual, lead rapper

Persona : Musician, hard working, not very sporty

Dancing skills : www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIRCroZvfLk

Rapping skills : www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J0p4L_4H_4

Singing skills : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0I0Vd-y2pM

Why did you audition? : Because the only think that brought her happiness was singing and she was already in Korea and she wanted to give it a try

How you got in? : Auditioning twice




Songs you want to include in the album: SNSD Dear Mom,

Did I forgot something? : nope :)

Question + Request + Comment + Anything else? : no


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