The Beats Among Us Application

The Beats Among Us Application



[Hannah Song – The Newbie]


The More you know


User name: Vanessa_90

Profile Link:



This is Me


Name: Hannah Song Ji Hye

Age: 17

D.O.B: 11th March 1996

Ethnicity: Korean-Chinese

Height and weight: 165cm 48kg

A brief description on a first encounter with this character: The impression on her was mysterious and pale looking girl. She gives off the aura of a weak and innocent girl but it’s not entirely true. When you get to know her longer, she is actually quite positive and smiley.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder


Name of Ulzzang/model: Jang Hae Byeol

Links: 1 l 2 l 3 l 4



Name of Back up Ulzzang/Model: Lee Dasom


1l 2 l 3 l 4

Clothes you Character would wear during hunting:


Describe your Characters Fashion: She wears black from head to toe gives her a mysterious and contrast with her pale looking skin. She loves short dress match with leggings. Sometime she wears sneakers or knee high boots.  


Don't Judge a book by it's cover



Hannah is a smiling angel and always be outgoing and positive. She never stopped smiling even though people badmouth her. That what is from people’s view but they so are wrong. Don’t deceive by her smile. She may look weak and harmless, but when come to killing, she showed no mercy. She loves torturing her prays before ending their life. Although she is only a newbie, she is able learnt fast and her skills improved tremendously, making the others impressed with her. She has quick reflexes and very skilled with her butterfly knife that could easily killed someone

She always acts reckless, putting her life in danger. She is a type of person who cares others more than herself. She was very caring and protective of her members. If there is anything happened to them or someone hurt them, she will search the person high and low, making sure he or she never able sees earth again. She really means it. She never really shows her anger in front of people.



~bubble tea


~color black


~waking up early


~red pendant necklace


~ Martial arts







~people dying




~touch her stuff

~getting dirty

~using violence against the weaks


Back ground history:

Hannah grew up together with her parents in Korean. When she was seven, her parents took her to visit her grandmother’s village in the mountains during summer vacation. It was said that the village was full of myth about mystic creatures but she did not believe it. During her stay at village, she got lost one day while taking a walk in the forest, unfortunately she run into a pack of wolves (she thought they are bunch of normal animal wolvws). She tried her best to run away but ended a fall and fainted. When she woke up, she met a boy who she believes is around the same age as her. She later know that the boy is the one who save her from the wolves, making her quite surprise as she wondered how a small boy manage to chase away the wolves.  Day after days, she get close with the boy and started liking the boy. On the last day of summer vacation, she had to return back to the city with her parents.  The boy did not bare to let Hannah go so he make a promise with her that he like her and wanted her to become his ‘bride’ when they grow up. She agrees. He gave a red pendant necklace to her as a charm. After she returned to Korea, as she grew, she slowly completely forgotten about the mysterious boy and the promise as she was still young back then. She spent eight peaceful years in Korea until she met the werewolf killing the innocents. Her life began to change upside down.


~Known as fallen angel (angelic face and mysterious aura from her)

~Only wears black when out hunting

~Likes to apply heavy makeup

~Learnt martial arts for six years

~She can’t changed into wolf form

~She works part time at a cafe

~She was mistaken as a sick person due to her pale looking skin

~Wearing black nail polish on her nails

~Possess with bubble tea.

 We Live to hunt


Hunter Name: Angel

Known for:

~Smiling Angel

~being caring towards people


~fast learner

~able to sense her enemies with opening her eyes

~her sadistic torturing towards her enemies

~care people more than herself

~acting without thinking, putting herself in danger


She only started training at the age of 15, taking her only two years to train before joining a unit. Before she went for training, she had learnt six years of chinese martial arts thus this gives her an upper hand during her training. During these two years of training, she tried her very best and overcome many obstacles, improving the most out of many other trainees.

How did you join Unit ?:

Although she was skilled but she is not qualified to join a unit as she is still inexperience and lack of knowledge of the wolves. Many units rejected her except for one. The leader of this unit found her quite interesting and heard that Hannah fought bravely against the wolf alone, killing the wolf. She wanted Hannah to join her unit. Hannah at first wanted to decline as she was unsure about her abilities after hearing from other units about her flaws, but seeing how determined the leader is, she finally accepts.

How did you find out about wolves?:

She knew about the wolves when she saw a wolf attacks the innocents when she was on her school trip. She even heard from her grandmother about stories about werewolves but she did not believe a word what her grandmother said. She would eventually let herself doing research on the library once she ended her training (sometimes ended falling asleep in the library).

Stats (out of 10, please don't make your character the almighty BWAHAHA IMMA KILL YOU)

Speed - 8

Strength - 8

Agility - 7

Alertness - 8

Loyalty - 10

Awareness - 7

Accuracy - 9

Aggressiveness - 7

Comunication - 8


Secondary weapon: Chinese sword (Silver)

How they use the Secondary weapon:

She seldom took out her sword to fight against her opponents as she believes butterfly knife is enough to kill her opponents but she was rather skilled using her sword than her butterfly knifes. She was skilled to use her sword to cut anything (include metal) in her way. Nobody yet can see through her moves when she used the sword, it was just like in a flash, she could ended her opponent’s life within a few seconds.  

Defensive or Offensive?: Can be offensive and defensive.

What form is your character most likely to kill wolves in?:

Human form. She can’t change herself in wolf form although she is half blood.

Any special talents your Character have that makes them unique?:

~She could easily find her pray’s fatal point and killed them instantly. Could use this talent as in avoid aiming the fatal point as she could torture her prey more.

~She can jump down from high storey without getting any hurt

~She could able to sense and attack her prey with her eyes close.

~Her speed was faster than anyone once she had her sword on her hand

Describe your character as a hunter?:

She give off an aura of angel at the outside, weak and harmless but when came to hunting her preys, she shows no mercy. She always put on a smile even though she had to kill the werewolves. She sometime feels quite sympathy on her preys

Describe their personality toward wolves:

She was not like others, hated all werewolves. She believes not all werewolves are bad (because she was half blood). If things not go her liking, she won’t hesitate to torture and kill them, making them regretful about born in this world. 

Persona to the outside world: She always smiles and acts caring towards people. There was never once she stops smiling, even during hunting time.

What is Love


Love interest: Luhan

How does your character feel on the first meet?:

She is attracted to him, as if she knew him for long time ago. Whenever she was near to him, she felt her heart beating faster, face become red and stuttered whenever she speak with him, making her assumes she got a crush on him. It feels so strange to her, making her curious who is he and what the connection between them. What she didn’t know Luhan is the mysterious boy she befriend who save her from wolves. She was his ‘mate’.

Reaction as they find out their wolves:

She was sad and hurt. She never believes that the boy she is attracted to is a werewolf. She did not want to kill Luhan even though he is a werewolf as he save her from before and the promise they make. (She later slowly remembers). She was feeling confused and ashamed about herself, which is important to choose, being a pride as a hunter to kill werewolves or dropped her weapons to accept Luhan’s feeling.  

A little bit on the love interest personality:

He has two faced personality. He was arrogant, sadistic, charismatic, dominance and cold towards his prey however, he only acts cheerful and cute towards you. He is very over protective of her; only he can be with her and touch her. He felt hurt and betrayed after meeting her because one she became a hunter, two she forgets about him and lastly, she forgets their promise. He would sometimes lashes out his anger by destroying things that is in his way. He wanted to keep her forever by his side even though she is a hunter.


2nd Love interest: Baekhyun

How does your character feel on the first meet?: Same as above.

Reaction as they find out their wolves: same as above

A little bit on the love interest personality: same as above


This is the End (Literally)


Any comments and other stuff, put in here~: I hope you like it. ^^






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kaneki-kun #1
Thank you for applying~!

I like her background story like a lot a lot

Thanks for your app~!