
If you want to continue to read this then go ahead because you're wasting your time here~~


I disliked my teacher very very much~~!!! And wth, the junior is perfect and we're not?! Damn STFU -.- no one's perfect..


We watch juniors performing and WTH... they did wrong too but no yelling?! How could that possibly be... ARGHHH


We got bored easily so we're talking about Boyfriend's choreo and did some of it... that teacher thought that we're insulting the junior's performance... WTF? Man, check it before accuse us...


And don't blame us.. because you pick the wrong people!! People who participate the choral speaking must people who REALLY WANTS to participate it and not being forced... so don't yelling at us if we're not doing it correctly!!


It's up to you to believe or not but the teachers are threatening (sorry, wrong speeling) us if we don't practice... SERIOUSLY? are you a teacher or what =.=


LUCKILY i have my kitkat next to me so i won't cursing too much... first time in history that I curse too much in a day!




I have new stories in my head but I don't want to waste my energy on 3 fanfics in the same time :P


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