I have a question :o

So for those of you who know who kim taegoon is I have an important question to ask;


What is he doing now? Like where is he now? [I really hope hes not like dead or anything >o<] I mean all his official sites are shut down and the only information I can find out about him is from 2009-2011 after and before the 'incident' which we dont really even know if it was actually him.

I'm also kind of curious to see what he looks like now its been a few years after all.

Gah this is making me want to rip my hair out I mean I only find out about him after watching the full star dance battle (Not just for snsd XD) and I instantly fell in love with his dancing and face and when I search him up and find all this. So frustrating ><



Any closure about him would be very appreciated preferrably after the whole incident and when he left the k-pop scene


Side Note; I flippen love his song betrayed its just so <3333333333 Anyone else? XD


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