50 questions about your ideal type

Stolen from Theangelvampire   
1. Do you need him to be good looking?
No, he can be average looking too.
 2. Smart?
Yeah. I need someone to lead me.
 3. Preferred age?
He can be younger by two years but that's it. I'll accept any older than me by only 12 years.
 4. Preferred height?
Around 175cm-185cm? I'm tall so.. yeap!
5. How about sense of humor?
I'd like someone who can make me laugh(:
 6. How about piercings?
Only on the ears, no where else (:
 7. Accepts you for who you are?
Yeap. I can't tolerate having a boyfriend that expects me to be a certain person I'm not.
 8. Pink hair?
 9. Mushy or no?
At times, I'm fine with it. But not too much.
 10. Thin or fat?
Thin, but he has to have meat in him too.
 11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
Asians or White skin?(:
 12. Long hair or short hair?
Short. I like guys who are neat with themselves.
13. Plastic or metal?
Metal?O: What has this got to do with the questions? Man of Steel maybe?:D
14. Smells good?
Yeap! I'm sorry but I can't tolerate guys with too heavy BO.
15. Smoker?
I don't like the smell of cigg so.. no. I will be happy if he can quit for me:D
 16. Drinker?
Someone who can drink but only on necessary occasion.
 17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
 18. Muscular?
Not too much.
19. Plays piano?
It'll be great(:
 20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
Again, it's a bonus~
 21. Plays violin?
22. Sings very good?
And he can serenade me(:
23. Vain?
No. I don't like someone who is vain.
24. With glasses?
With or without is fine with me.
25. With braces?
It'll be gone one day so okay.
26. Shy type?
I don't really like the shy type as I am one that do not speak much unless someone starts the conversation. I'd like someone who is able to open up and lead me in conversations.
27. Rebel or Good boy?
Good boy. I had enough of the rebel type.
28. Active or passive?
At times, active. At times, passive.
 29. Tight or bomb?
30. Singer or dancer?
Since I dance, I'd like someone whom I can dance with. Have a little dance battle when I am bored(:
31. Stunner? 
32. Hiphop?
Hell yeah!
 33. Earrings?
34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?
If they changed their ways, I don't see why not.
 35. Dimples?
I'm okay with or without it.
 36. Bookworm?
I like someone who reads a lot. It just proves that they have more knowlegde in me ^^
37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
Haha, that's great.
 38. Playful?
 39. Flirt?
No. I'd like someone that is faithful.
 40. Poem writer?
No. The one thing I can't tolerate in the world is someone speaking like he is a poet.
 41. Serious?
Playful at times, serious at times. I need a balance in these two.
 42. Campus crush?
I don't really like having girls stare at me. But if I really do like him, okay.
43. Painter?
What bout a drawer?:D
 44. Religious?
I prefer a free thinker.
 45. Someone who likes to tease people?
Not to the point that it is considered bullying verbally.
46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
Computer games is a no-no. I need one that gives his attention to me. I'd say internet.
 47. Speaks 20 languages?
He's a genius then. Let me love him!
48. Loyal or faithful?
49. Good kisser?
Who doesn't want one that kisses well?
50. Loves children?


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LOOOL impossible guy xD
hahah pretty much the same as mine lol well every girl dream guy would be like this.Lol but at Q.48 i want him to be both lol