Kakao Talk and Line

so, yeah, I've had both my kakao talk and line accounts for a while and haven't really been using them because of my schedule (basically, no time to open) but yeah, now that it's summer over here, I can use them both now. so anyone wants to be friends with me in Kakao Talk and Line? lol, I need someone to talk to XD my text mates in my phone aren't really kpop people, so...er, yeah, please??? XDD and I'm a cassie, btw, so I hope to get cassie friends :D but if you want to basically talk to someone with anything (food, clothes, manga, anime...boys) I'm your girl :D


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Eruzayuki #1
hey add my line and kakaotalk too~ eruzayuki :33
Eruzayuki #2
hey add my line and kakaotalk too~ eruzayuki :33
Eruzayuki #3
hey follow my line and kakaotalk too~ eruzayuki :33
Sweetboo #4
hey, do't forget to add me as well.i'm brownie23
hi join our group in line, add me and I'll add you back minshin25.