☪ Mystery ☪ | Kwon Juliette | Tsubaki;Baby Long Legs





One Shot! 

Name : Kwon Jae Yoon / Kwon Julietta / Kwon Tsubaki / Mei Hwa Si

Nicknames : Julie, Jules, Jae, Yoon, Tsubaki, Tsu Tsu, Meihwa & Precious Flower (by Kris)

Age : 20 YO (or 18 if she got the maknae)

Birthdate : July 20th ​1994

Ethnicity : Korean-American

Blood Type : AB

Birth Place : Gangnam, South Korea

Home Town : Vancouver, Canada

Languages : Korean (Native), English (Fluent), Mandarin (Fluent), Japanese (Fluent) & Indonesia (Conversation)

Personality : Juliette is the type of person who's naturally y. Everything she does, whatever she wears or anything she said is always comes out y but still wise, doesn't go as far until it became ty or (pardon my language) y. She's very polite, nice & elegant. She's not a motherly figure, more like a dependable eonni. She will take care of others & other people needs are more important than hers.

There are some times where she could be really random, she could suddenly make the most funniest jokes or suddenly pull a prank on others. But she knows her limits & time, so she doesn't show it much. She's a very calm & reserved person, cold-headed girl but when it comes to her family & friends, she will be the most scariest person alive. And anyway, she's kinda stubborn but she doesn't shwo it that much. In other words, she's a good big sister figure to the others & she doesn't pick her friends, if anybody wants to be her friend, she accept it with open arms. But if you try to mess with her family & friends, you're a dead meat...

Background : She's born at Gangnam, South Korea at the date of July 20th 1992. She peacefully lives there until at the age of 5, she has to move with her family to Vancouver because of her father's business. She's pretty sad of leaving Korea because she had many friends right there & she feels that it's not right to leave them just like that. So as a result, she kinda sulked & doesn't want to talk with anyone. But after talking with her mother, she realized she still can make friends with anyone & she's back to her old-self

At the age of 10, she's interested in dancing after seeing one of her friends doing ballet. She took proper ballet courses & after that she continue to hip-hop, popping, locking & contemporay. She also took gymnastic class, resulting her flexibility. She could also do b-boying since her little sister likes doing so. She became a very talented dancer & joins a dancing crew. Somewhere in there, one of her friends persuade her to rap & sing, surprisingly she could do an excellent rap & sing. Her mother acknowledge this & took her to professional vocal classes

One day, there's a SM Global Audition in Canada & her mother encourages her to attend it. Doesn't want to dissapoint her mother, she attend the audition & immediately pass because of her powerful dance & her beautiful face. She moves back to Korea at the age of 15 & working really hard as a trainee



Why so Serious? 

Idol Name : 9Muses Kyung Ri

Links/Gallery : Link

Back-up Idol name : 4Minute Nam Jihyun

Links/Gallery : Link

Height : 174,3 cm

Weight : 45

Style : She doesn't realy have any particular style. She only wears clothes that's comfortable on her, looks good on her & sometimes can be used to dance. She usually wears a sweatshirt, training shorts, knee-high socks & sneakers. If it's for an important occasion she sometimes wears a long dress with no sleeve or a short dress with long sleeve. She sometimes wear heels, it's either for an event or for her dance

MaMa Beat ! 


Kwon Jeremy|48|Father|Businessman

Kwon Seo Min|43|Mother|Pianist & Actress

Kwon Aldera & Remillia|Both 17|Little twin sisters|Students

Bestfrend : Henry Lau |23|He's one of Julietta's childhood friends from Canada. She look up to him as a big brother as Henry look at her as his own sister. She's his teddy bear when he needed a hug & he's a friend to talk to when she needs problem|Singer (SJ-M)

Friends :

Gina Choi|25|Also her friend from Canada. If she looks Henry as a brother, she look Gina as a bigger sister|Singer (G.NA)

Gong Min Ji|18|Minzy & Julietta always dance & practice together when she's still a trainee. They still dance together until now|Singer (2NE1)

Song Qian/Victoria Song|23|Like Minzy, they always dance together but notas often as she is with Minzy. She enjoys Julietta's company & wish for her to dance with her more often|Singer [f(x)] 

Rivals : Girl's Generation | Jessica Jung | 22 | Jessica is a total towards other people whom she looked down or maybe when she hates people for being much more perfect than her. She hates Julietta for this. Julietta doesn't even know why Jessica hates her. She never messes with Jessica nor bother her. Jessica hates her because of Jules' relationship with this certain someone. Jessica tries to blackmail her or make fun of her but Jessica is the one who ends up being laughed by everyone & has a heated face becuase of embarrasment


Name : Wu Yi Fan / Kris

Age : 23 YO

Group : EXO

Relationship : Engaged (Note: The public knows)

How Long have you been together : 7 Years & Counting 

How you met : It was monday when she just finished her school. She secretly goes to the basket ball field to do her routine dance because there aren't many students there & the studio she always visited was closed for renovation. While dancing powerfully, she doesn't realize that there is this handsome tall boy who's holding a basket ball watching her dance. Apparently she doesn't notice him because of the blasting music & she's too focused to dance until she does a pirouette & both of them lock eyes.Both of them freeze at their spot the moment their eyes met. He laugh a bit to break the ice as she compose herself & looks to the ground, clearly embarrassed. He took a step forward to her & gives his dorky smile "You're good at dancing, will you teach me?". From that moment, they start to hang out & dating eventually

How you treat eachother?: They treat each other as how lovers should treat each other. Both of them really care & loving, a perfect match for each other. Although sometimes Kris is a little bit possessive & over-protective towards her. Kris' doesn't have many time for her but both of them tried tehir best to still keep in contact


Back-up Lover Name : Park Chanyeol

Age: 21 YO

Group: EXO

Relationship : Dating

How long have you been together : 3 Years & Counting

How you met : Julietta was still a trainee back then & she was practicing her dance moves alone at night. She was very focus to the dance until someone barge into the room. He looked very exhausted like he just ran 10 times acroos a large field. She only look at her with curious eyes while he seems to lloking for something. "I'm looking for a blue large bag, ahev you possibly seen it?" He asked her with his sad puppy face. She nodded & point to the bench where she put her bag too. He smiled & bows to her while heading his way to the bench. And then, 2NE1's song I Am The Best blated through the speakers & she starts to dance again. The boy, watch her in amusement & started to dance too.  Both of them laugh & dance together until they're sweaty & exhausted. He smiled at her with his dorky smile & held out his right hand "I'm Chanyeol, what's your name?"

How you treat eachother: Both them are a loving & cute couple. He likes to act cute around Jules & she likes to play as his cute girlfriend (even though sometimes she it's not her style). There is so much fluff & cheesy lines at their love story~

Bunny Style 

Likes :

  • Dancing
  • Singing
  • Rapping
  • Ice Cream
  • Guitar
  • Piano
  • Sweets
  • Sweatshirts & Hoodies
  • Converse Heels
  • Japanese Tea
  • Silent Park
  • Nice People

Dislikes :

  • People who declares that they can dance but actually can't
  • Liars
  • People who mess with her family & friends
  • Bullies
  • People who makes a little problem into a big problem
  • Overly-Too-Dramatic People
  • People who judge her from the outside
  • Bad People

Hobbies : Dancing, Drawing, Basketball, Piano & Guitar

Habits :

  • Dance when bored
  • Biting her nails
  • Speaks in Japanese when angry

Trivia :

  • Likes dancing to Hip-Hop & B-Boying the most
  • Her role model is Yoo Mi Rae, Kim Sori & Jewelry's Baby J
  • Her Chinese name is Mei Hwa Si
  • Her favourite colour is black
  • She promises to her mother that she won't dye her hair
  • More flexible than Victoria f(x)
  • Spend most of her time dancing
  • Has worked as a back-up dancer for 2PM, Bi Rain, Big Bang, Super Junior, TVXQ, Kan Mi Yeon, 2NE1, Lee Hi
  • Has an impressive drawing skills
  • Her twitter is @K.Tsubaki
  • Her instagram account is @LoneCamellia
  • Her me2day account is @HildaCamellia
  • Her weibo account is @MeiHwaTsuTsu
  • Has a youtube account where she dances & covers for other k-pop group (@KwonTsubaki)
  • Some of her dancing videos: Link1 (with black tank top), Link2 (obviously the girl), Link3 (with orange hoodie & the 2 girls that appeared with the 2 boys is her sisters)
  • Allergic to Strawberries
  • She can play guitar, cello, piano & bass
  • Has 3 electric guitars (one black, one white & one blue)


Stage Name : Tsubaki

Persona : Baby Long legs

Position : Lead Dancer, Visual, Co-Choreographer

back-up position : Maknae, Triple Threat, Little Manager

Personal fanclub name & color : Shakespeares; Fire Red


Trainee Years : 3 Years

Trainee Life : She had a smooth trainee life, she make friends with everybody & nobody bullies her. Sometimes, there are people whp talks behind her back but she doesn't care. She still work hard for her debut

Weakness : Her family & friends. If you come out with that sensitive topic, she surely explode & ready to kill someone


[Answer in your characters POV]

What did you think when you found you were debuting with Mystery ?: Omo, I can't believe this. I'm so happy to be part of this girlband & I'm so happy that I finally debut

Who do wanna thank for supporting you threw you everything? : I want to thank eomma, appa & my dongsaengs for supporting from the start & also my fellow friends that keeps on supporting me. My sis Gina, My bro Henry & of course my lover Kris / Chanyeol!

Please say a message to your siblings/parents : Eomma & appa, thank you for supporting me & to let me be an idol, I will not dissapoint both of you. For my dongsaengs, Aldera & Remillia, don't worry about eonni, eonni will keep the hard work & both of you must study hard too!!

If you werent an idol what would you be? : Eoo, I will probably be a choreographer or a dance instructor

Do you like your group : Of course! They're all very nice & friendly!

Which member are you closest to?: Ummm...I kinda go well with everybody but I'm more close with the main dancer

Why?: We always dance together & shared our experiences

Who is the craziest ? : The dancers, including me!

Who is the messest?: Lead vocal...but she's not really messy

Who is the cry baby ?: I must say...all of us :P



Lover scene request : I want either with Kris or Chanyeol when they're at a park, stargazing while talking about how they met & their future plans (I want wedding plans for Kris), also Kris / Chanyeol make a song about how much he loves her

What would you like to do by yourself? : Collaborating with legendary idols, participating on Dancing with The Stars also a hosting a show

Song Suggestion?: Umm...I want 9Muses Wild (sorry, I like 9Muses so much)

Anyother Scene Request?: Julie comforting other members when they have troubles

Shows we should go on?: Star King, Hello Baby, Golden Bell, Weekly Idol & Sesame Player

Shaking Heart 

Comments : Thank you for considering, I hope you like my character! Please tell me if there's somthing wrong & I'll fix it!

Suggestions : Nothing desuu~~

Request : I want it when there's an interview with Mystery & she's asked about her future plans with Kris / Chanyeol

















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Can you change her stage name?It kinda so sounds like JulietCheng's character's stage name.