I have no idea why I'm writing this. Maybe because I'm fed up with some Kiss Me's out there. Don't get me wrong, I love them. I do, we are friends. But I guess I'll just have to let out some steam. It might be long, depending on how much I write. But please, Kiss Me's, please read.

Hate me all you want, it's my opinion and I know Im not the only one. 



It started with Kim Hyun Joong. Then it went on to Park Jung Min, Kim Kyu Jong, Heo Young Saeng, and lastly to Kim Hyung Jun. I thought I would be biased towards one group only, but it turned out I was wrong. 

I found out Kim Hyung Jun had a brother names Kim Ki Bum, and immediately searched it up. I begun searching all U-Kiss videos just to see Ki Bum, how he did as a member, constantly comparing and contrasting him to his brother. And that eventually led to me being a Triple Kiss. 


Yes, Kim Ki Bum was the start of me being a U-kiss fan. But as I watched him, it was drawn to all of their personalities. Kevin's smile, Dongho's cuteness, Xander's comedic side, Kiseop's randomness, Soo hyun's voice, Eli's machines (Well, I have no idea. But face it, I love his body build).

Now let's start with my story which I know applies to some U-kiss fans.

When I knew that Ki Bum and Xander had been kicked out, I was mad, angry, furious, annoyed, and all the words you can describe a grumpy person out there. I kept thinking, what is going to happen to Kemaru? Who's going to be the harsh member in U-Kiss? What's going to happen?



I watched Ki Bum's interview with morning Sunday and cried. I literally cried, cursing NMH media with all the curse words possible. 

When the Brand New U-Kiss came out, you can tell that i refused to listen to it. I didn't want to have anything to do with U-Kiss at all. If Ki Bum and Xander wasn't there, I wouldn't want a U-Kiss at all. That was what I though of.



The New members? I blamed them. I hated them, blamed them for the replacement. I go on Youtube and try to watch as much of U-Kiss's old videos as possible, wanting to wash away those two members.

This seems harsh, maybe so. But trust me, some Kiss Me's still feel this way. 

When Neverland came out along with their album songs, I didn't listen to them. 

It seems to me, that watching the music video would just make me feel disgusted, just because of those two members.


That was before.


It took me some time. Quite a VERY long time and here I am getting mad at myself for being such an immature little . Before, watching U-Kiss videos I would think that the Brand New Kiss was different and less playful than the old one, which I didn't like.


Anyway, off with that. The rant is that some people can't seem to get over the fact. yes, it took me over 3 months or more, I know. I cursed the two members as well, I know. 

I'm way off that stuff. 

I watched it. Yes, and I listened to all their songs and I can already see how they have improved. Improved, like a lot.

The comparison from now and before was a lot, and it actually made me look at the two in a different way. AJ was hard working and Hoon was humorous in his own way. I came across one comment before where it said 'Kevin must feel awkward with AJ because he thinks that he is a replacement for Ki Bum.' 

It actually dawned to me that it might be the case, but I didn't think much about it. 


The point is that some Kiss Me's don't give those two a chance. One comment said 'That's what you get for replacing Xander and KiBum!' when Hoon got hit on the face on some variety show.

Ki Bum said life was unfair.

That is true.

It's hard.

It's unreasonable.

It's stupid.


But only if you accept it the way it is, it isn't. 


His hard work was thrown away, but he'll be back up. Open your eyes, some of you. I'm a Kiss Me, and U-Kiss did add to my maturity of how celebrities live's work. 

Some are stubborn and don't want to believe the immense improvement U-Kiss had all over.


I want some of you who hate the two members to give them a chance.

Just one chance, goddamnit. It might seem hard, but please try. 


But as in the name of a Triple Kiss, I want to say sorry to AJ and Hoon. 

Sorry for comparing you to the others, you are who you are.

Do not change. 

Sorry for actually hating on you even when it wasn't your fault.

I blame NMH media. :D But I am thankful for you two.


Ignore people who were once like me, they simply do not understand. 

But then again, I want to thank Ki Bum and Xander for making U-KISS, U-KISS in the first place. They were the base that helped U-Kiss grow, have a good foundation, and strengthen as idols.


Then I want to thank AJ and Hoon, for making U-Kiss what they are now. Their handwork in trying to fit in, and their talents that made U-Kiss improve and how they made UKISS more popular after all these years. 


All of you are talented, despite what the fans (some are like me) say. 


I do not support U-Kiss as a 7 member group anymore, much more like a 9 member group. 

UKISS is UKISS, we can't change that. 

Goodluck to Ki Bum, Xander, AJ, Hoon, and all of UKISS! <3 

Remember, despite what i felt before, I love you. 


Kevin: Stop being so pretty. Like stop, NOW. I want to kill you for being so beautiful. It makes me feel jealous. THIS shows how unfair life is. See? Another example of like being unfair, eh? I'm a girl and yet look at me.. ._. xD You're a guy and you're pretty. Just utgrcdfnnbvcb. -dances- 


Dongho: Always the youngest~ Yet, popular. Adolescence is a hard stage to go through, and I hope that you'll understand your parents first before they try to understand you. I know you love them, they love you as well.  :)


Eli: Eli~ Eli~ I have your tumblr and you hardly use it anyway~ lol. Dude, keep eating, man. Don't worry, we have bodies to eat and I know that you like eating, so just eat :)


Kiseop: Random little thing, I like your screams. You sound like some kind of chimpanzee dying or being killed. But hey~ That;s how you are :) Make sure you steal more lines from your members, you need to sing more <3 


SooHyun: Leader. Why did UKISS suddenly have a leader? Just wanted to know. Anyway xD Your voice is amazing. <3 Keep your throat in treatment, UKISS can't replace you or I'll bash out and go to Seoul and kick NMH Media's one again.


AJ: AJ. Yes, I used to hate you. -waves- Don't worry, man. the hate is gone, I hope you don't hate me for feeling that way. Keep up with your talent, it's adorable. I love how you are even if I don't know you well. Keep it up with whatever you are doing and steal more Kiss Me's hearts!


Hoon: Omg, the one I hated the most. I AM SO SORRY. Like I said to AJ, keep being a good singer. Keep begin who you are. Keep it up. I like you. No, I love you, I seriously do. <3


KI BUM: YES, YOU ARE PART OF UKISS. NOT A FORMER MEMBER, BUT A MEMBER. BE HAPPY. ;) BE SAFE, Take care. Love your older brother as much as he loves you. KI BIM FIGHTING! <3


XANDER: How are you doing now? Be happy, once again, You will never be forgotten~ Keep learning languages! :D 



If either of you ever change, I'll rant my head off and come to Seoul and stalk you all.. lol. Joking. Sarangahe :) 


(I didn't bother trying to use formalities, I'm sorry. I have no idea how to use formalities in English xD )



I now have nothing to do with this thing I just typed… ._. 


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