Korea Homestay/ Trip!

Feeling a little talkative today, i've decided to talk a little on my home stay to Korea! Yes, I went to Korea and i've just returned from there like 2 and a half weeks ago. It wasn't a self trip or family vacation but it's a real home stay where I have to stay with a foster family and visit their schools and stuff. I have been asking my mum to let me apply for the home stay since 2 years ago and FINALLY, I got the chance. Also, I think my mum didn't regret her decision. LOL Getting on about my homestay, as usual, the first two days were actually a meet up at a hotel with the other 39 students who was going and we were briefed on a few things. One the second day, our flight was at 11.30p.m but sadly, it got delayed until 2a.m! Of course, we waited patiently. I literally turned into a hobo and slept on the bench. =.= When 3.45a.m came, they announced that our flight will be postponed to next morning, 12 noon. We were sleepy and pissed. Bad combination. Luckily, we were provided free hotel to stay in and we got a 5 star hotel! Thank god. It didn't actually do anything as we don't even have clothes to change into! We could only shower and wear the SAME CLOTHES. OHGODWHY. When we finished showering, it was already around 5.30a.m and we need to have breakfast at 7a.m then head out to the airport again. It was so tiring but since there was AT LEAST 2 hours, we decided to sleep a little. Need not say much, we all have eye bags the next day. Crazy eye bags like Seungri's. At 12 noon, we were finally able to board the plane. Ugh.. Once we got up, everyone was immediately asleep. Flying to Korea took about 6 hours and once we were there, it was REFRESHING! The temperature outside was around 16 degrees and in Malaysia, we never had that kind of temperature. It was so exciting and during immigration, we saw a Yoo JaeSuk look alike. Seriously! I was wondering if they were long lost brothers or something. He is the manager who was directing us through immigration and well, we thought of taking pictures with him. In the end, we didn't. I regretted. ㅠㅠ It was dark outside and when we speak, there was actually smoke coming out of our mouths. I felt that it was rather thrilling than being cold. As it was already late, around 8p.m, we were provided a night's stay in Incheon and was assigned Songdo Park Hotel. It was a 4 star hotel and I DARE SAY it was an awesome hotel despite being called 4 star. They had 2 gardens at the 3rd floor and it was really beautiful. By 10p.m, our coordinator brought 28 (some have gone with their foster families who stay near Seoul or Incheon) of us to walk to the nearby 7 Eleven LOL. The walk was great. I got to feel Korea's nighttime and the top part of skyscrapers were literally invincible as it was too foggy. At 7 Eleven, I bought canned Starbucks coffee (yes, they are adorable little cans) and went to Zoo Coffee. It was where I had my first ever Korean dessert, Patbingsoo. If you don't know, Patbingsoo is actually shaved ice with fruits, ice cream, red bean and with or without whipped cream. It was so delicious and did I mention I ate it at midnight? Crazy fun. The next day, we were sent off to our respective foster families and I was headed to Daegu with another girl and some few in the same bus but headed to Jinju. The bus ride took about 5 hours and by the time we reached there, i was getting kind of fidgety. I was afraid that my foster family wouldn't be able to communicate in English or vice versa. My Korean isn't that good either as I only know how to read Hangul and my understanding is like 15%. But after meeting with my foster mother, I really liked her and though there was a little communication barrier, I was able to understand most of what she said. After lunch, she brought me to a museum that displayed the origins of Hanbok and about Joseon Dynasty. The artifacts was just so intriguing. When the little tour finished, we head back to her condo. One thing that I really LOVED bout Korea is that most of the places doesn't have air conditioners but the room would still be cold! Like the hotel I stayed in, doesn't have air conditioner and yet the room was still freezing cold in the morning. As much as I want to finished this, I need to go now. I'll write more tomorrow as it was a 7-8 days stay in Korea. TO BE CONTINUED...


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leficklerabbit #1
Wahh~ I went to Japan and it was so cooling~^^
Hope you had a fun trip
And yoo Jane suk?!? :OOO
Without glasses...
I hope not...^^"